
The Jetsons is exactly what you just described - ignorant wage slaves pushing buttons they don’t understand so they can go home to their corporate-curated home lives surrounded by technology they don’t understand. George can’t even work his freaking treadmill!

and yet he believes the president has the power to levy taxes?

Hey man, thanks for the respectful conversation. I must say, though, I don’t see how Trump and Clinton can be equated whatsoever.

Both candidates exhibited similar qualities. Trump talked out his ass and said abhorrent sexist/racist things, Clinton supported Saudi Arabia as Sec. of State and her foundation happily took millions of dollars from that evil, backward country, that treats women, among others, like garbage. I feel like this is what

The tone of how everyone is responding to you reflect perfectly why every poll was so wrong leading up to November 8.

Did you vote for Donald Trump?

We’re in a weird point in history. How will out petty squabbles look in a hundred years? Five hundred? Pretty silly I’m sure. However, I know that telling someone they have to use the bathroom of their biological gender identity is far different then murdering them for existing and being different from a perceived

Those terms are over used, and I think that they have lost their teeth. Keep calling people racist and sexist for whatever minor transgression you think they’ve committed and they tend to get resentful. If you’re attacking the character of the candidate I voted for, good luck. He’s a shit bag. I know that. Doesn’t

Both candidates made me just as sick as the items at taco bell.

I am not interested in hurling insults, or even convincing you that I am right, or my point of view works for you. The article asked for honest answers and I answered honestly. We’re all angry about the same things, and as soon as we start thinking less about the “Us vs. Them” and more of the “Us as a whole”, we’re


I appreciate the discourse, amigo! I must say, though, I find it hard to understand how anybody can find his personality/statements/actions/policies anything other than abhorrent. Surely we’ve learned that racism and misogyny are bad and unacceptable?

Yes, I find that his distasteful personality is refreshingly different then the other distasteful personalities. We’ve been eating shit for so long that even a glass of piss is refreshing.


Did you vote for Donald Trump?

Think of all the 5 year olds, deprived of their chance to pull a coal cart for a farthing a day! The elderly and decrepit and mentally ill, all kept from their rightful position in a sweatship, behind chained doors, making shoes for pennies a week! An unemployed America is a morally bankrupt America, which is how you

We have the worst economy in decades with over 90 million Americans fallen out of unemployment statistics they’ve been out of work so long.

Luckily for the Bills, franchise quarterbacks are a dime a dozen and they should have no problems picking one up late in the draft.

Taylor’s a fascinating case. He rode the bench behind Joe Flacco for four years, but without gaining the mystique that backups in, say, New England or Denver or Green Bay tend to garner.

Soooo... is Joe Flacco’s backup elite?