
From what I gather, England is doing a lot of cord-cutting for the Sky Sports package which is not structured the same way as ESPN, probably the best American comparison, is here. The game appears to have gone so global that the real fans at home are fed up by the commercialization of it all.

Vote-gate? uninspired, sure.

Haven’t followed too much basketball in recent years, but isn’t it a little revisionist to call Ray Allen “THE precedent for today’s 3pt-shooting ball-handlers”? IIRC, he was a catch-and-shoot player all of his career and had trouble creating his own 3-point separation. I’d say Klay Thompson is most similar to Ray

Thanks for the facts, seeing a lot of bogus “narrative” facts flying around here, but yours are true.

Dennis Ray “Oil Can” Boyd

Sounds good.

haha not even my tone. Am genuinely curious how you tell the difference. The street Theo lives on in LV has a park trying to raise $750k for renovations and is a perfectly good park. It’s all rich yuppies or Big10 college grads..


Is there a difference? Chicago-born 25 y/o here. How do you notice?

Kevin Egan is fantastic as well. He called for the Fire for a few years and understands the game better than most Americans. It could be explained by the fact he is Irish.

Data Analytics is getting outta control

You’re right, Leeds do have a good track record of producing young talent.

Not cracking Messi, Neymar, Suarez, Bale, Ronaldo. Not even gonna surpass his teammate Sanchez.

I had no prior experience. It is very easy to pick up. The class is almost too easy with R as the instructors give you all the script you’ll need and you can just copy and paste it. Part I includes z-scores, Univariate/Bivariate, then finishes with Linear, Exponential, and finally Logistic functions. Most of it was

I just finished Edx’s Foundations of Data Analysis Part I and am starting Part II this week. The class uses R heavily, but its for beginners. I had no prior experience using R, but the Stats all came to me. Part II is inferential statistics using the program R. Not sure where your Stats needs are, but this class has

Yes. Wilt Chamberlain did it for a little and then was like: “I look like a pussy. How’m I supposed to get pussy, when I look like a pussy?” I may be paraphrasing.

You’re Roy Keane for chrissakes! Of course you know!

I like everything you said. What are your thoughts on the labor situation in the NBA, NFL, MLB, and NCAA for that matter? I understand these leagues are stable, but are they something the MLS should strive to be?