The Almanac

I’ve never understood why Gold is so disliked by a segment of fandom, and I’ll miss his music on the show if this was indeed his swan song (literally). I’m another viewer who appreciated hearing many of his best-known themes reprised here (“Flavia’s Lament” never gets old for me, for instance).

It’s strange that they would single out “superlonelyman,” as those will be the only profiles left who feel safe enough to use a site that was once far more welcoming to marginalised people.

What, no comment on the meta symbolism of a character played by Morena Baccarin shooting a character named Firefly?

You sound like everyone with a natural ability who can’t relate to the idea that someone else might not share that ability. (“How can you not know how to draw?” is probably the one I’ve heard most often, though I certainly have my share of childhood sports stories similar to those of the other commenters.)

Sliders was heavily on my mind as I watched this episode...the tone and vibe were very similar (as was the LA location shooting also seen in the later seasons of Sliders). I could easily imagine Rembrandt getting into the predicament seen here, with Quinn/Wade devising the means to hack the Master Feed.

My nephew was once curious about whether you could steal a plane from the airport in GTA, so we spent an afternoon trying. We never managed to do it—even if you got a motorised staircase up to a plane, you couldn’t enter it—but we certainly got our share of airport runway shootouts.

You’re on a site full of pop-culture geeks—you’ve never encountered one who has a tonne of esoteric knowledge about their favourite fandom but can’t describe its sociopolitical context?

It was much easier for me to get through the theme song to The L Word once I started adding “Cha-Cha-Cha!” at the very end.

With all the Avis jokes, rental terminology must’ve been on the reviewer’s mind.

It sounds like you’ve never interacted with someone who can tell you all about the Kardashians but doesn’t know where North Korea is.

While polyamorous people are statistically somewhat more likely in the US to be childfree (I wish I could find the link where I first encountered this factoid so I could share it here), scheduling is also often the bane of poly existence. Speaking from experience, I’ve had more than one potential relationship not work

The theme song to Amen is even better gospel.

The end of MSN Messenger hit home more readily for me (it was always more popular than AIM in Canada, though I used both), but it’s still sad to see the end of multiple platforms I recall with fondness from my early years online...

I'm glad you're someone who looks for profiles with substance to them—and I agree with those who complain about blank or virtually blank profiles—but I've also never seen someone say, "No one seemed interested when my profile was four paragraphs long, but that really turned around once I made it twelve paragraphs

The potential problem with longer profiles is in fact that you'll mention something which isn't big to you, since you're fleshing it out (and thus possibly throwing in some relatively minor things about yourself), only to discover that a tossed-in aside that might never have come up in person is what is driving an

That…is completely unrelated to the question of putting together a dating profile.

As a hetero cismale, I put just enough detail into my dating profile to give someone a sense of my personality (which, yes, does include some pop culture references). My experience and observation has been that there's little benefit to straight guys making their profiles much more expansive than that—the more you

They may have been prevented from starting sooner (or at least motivated not to) by the Kelvin Timeline movies.

That sounds a lot like what happened to both Boston Legal and Crusade.

I never claimed anyone was using a meme "wrong." I was giving the first example that came to mind from my personal life of someone using a popular meme without knowing where it came from as a way of saying that I didn't find it weird or implausible that such a meme could come from an obscure source.