Yeah but nerds also spent years putting together a Legend of Zelda timeline to explain how all the games fit together perfectly. Instead of just enjoying them as their own fun things
Yeah but nerds also spent years putting together a Legend of Zelda timeline to explain how all the games fit together perfectly. Instead of just enjoying them as their own fun things
That is legitimately why I’ve never been able to get into sports. Where’s the narrative? Where’s the arc? Where are the themes?
This is absolutely the way to look at it.
The Tom Hardy casting matters because the rest of the world in Fury Road appears to be much further along in the apocalypse than what we saw in Road Warrior or Thunderdome, when the collapse felt fresh and most adults seemed to remember the war.
it’s also why organized sports are ultimately the nerdiest interest. there’s not even a story it’s JUST stats.
Arguably the whole reason RPGs were created was to create some sort of rules to answer questions like these, as RPGs are basically just formalized versions of those ad-hoc playground games.
half the fun of playing outdoors with the other kids is dissecting the logical problems of whatever you’re playing.
And let’s be real: Too Old Gibson probably could have still gotten the Harrison Ford revisits his greatest hits treatment. It’s the problematic part that kept him out.
oh i’m sure even back in the oral traditions days people were like ‘actually when i first heard about beowulf it went down differently’
The Tom Hardy re-casting doesn’t seem like something you need to account for, to the extent you really need to account for anything in this exercise. It’s a casting decision that exists outside the narrative — it has nothing to do with the timeline or overall arc of the movies. Mel Gibson was too old and...let’s say…
There’s some evidence that the first fanbase that was obsessed with continuity was the Sherlock Holmes one in the late 19th century, and would write letters to Arthur Conan Doyle about various “mistakes” in his stories.
I kind of look at it the same way I look at the Evil Dead movies with Ash. Story comes first, and if it doesn’t fit with the continuity of previous stories, fuck it. That being said, I think a lot of the timeline could be taken with a grain of salt. The collapse of society could be as the first film happened, or years…
The easiest way to look at it is that each movie after the first one is a story told about Max by succeeding generations. Road Warrior is framed as a memory of the Feral Kid, Thunderdome ends with Savannah telling the story, Fury Road ends with a quote from the History Man as if we’ve been told a piece of “history,”…
It was definitely a bad conclusion, and the worst part of it all was that they had done something similar with Into Darkness, where they had this “mysterious” villain whose motivations they didn’t reveal until towards the end. It’s a bit lazy and leaves the audience confused for the majority of the movie wondering…
Yeah, for me the actors’ performances are worth the price of admission, even of some of the stories aren’t all that they can be.
Or re-cast Welshy and finally do the Wales movie!
WB loves money, but Zaslav...
Not a Hollywood running gag, but I continue to find hilarity in WB sitting on its own Star Trek + Star Wars + X-Men franchise: the Legion of Super-Heroes. What's the hold up? Do they not like money??
well, he was there, so he deserves to be mentioned in the film.