Right you are, Pepper!
Right you are, Pepper!
It's not the full-on sequel to Dodgeball I was hoping for, but I'll take any opportunity to see these characters again.
…and there are millions who haven't seen it (just as there are many who've never listened to NWA). I'm going to presume you're forty or older—possibly someone who first saw Friday in the cinema or when it was new on home video (as I did)—and that you live in a major American city, but you're engaging in…
I'm glad you're a fan of a cult classic, but I've encountered no shortage of people (including my own partner) who had no idea about the meme's origin until it was explained to them.
I don't think it's so crazy or unrealistic that a meme could outgrow its source—just ask anyone who doesn't know where #ByeFelicia comes from.
The only alone-in-a-cinema experience I can recall at the moment is Soldier, where my friend and I were the only two people there. We both started falling asleep about halfway through, and I still consider that one of the most boring movies I've ever seen.
Doctor Who did show us, after all, that this will be one of the last remaining songs from our time when the Earth is destroyed by our dying sun.
The Adventures of Tintin is also a better Indy movie than Crystal Skull is—so it's not as if Spielberg himself forgot how to make one.
My earliest Star Wars memory is getting a children's activity book that tied into Return of the Jedi on an overseas Air Canada flight. I wish I knew where it was now—all I can recall about it is a two-page illustration of the Sarlacc Pit where you could put stickers of the characters.
That was in some of the behind-the-scenes material for writers of TOS, but it was never stated on the show and later contradicted by the series proper.
Don't forget that Earl likes the reefer and has a sordid past!
That's essentially what Homicide did, so why not? (Munch gets to come back…again!)
The clips I've seen of this series have a distinct lack of headbutting on Rumplestiltskin's part.
One standout from the middle of TNG's Season 5 is…the episode titled "Cause and Effect," fittingly enough.
I'm sure The AV Club will eventually have a Newswire item providing a link to the inevitable Oral History of the series.
Since Angelfire is still around, it's quite possible your fansite is, too…
Doesn't watching this show in the first place establish that we're all DC fans?
I had an ex who almost died from weight loss due to eating disorders, and that ex said one of the worst parts is that you go through a period where everyone's telling you how hot you look all the time.
Mannequin is completely ridiculous (in the manner of so many Eighties comedies), but also highly quotable and underrated.
You can still find some working newsgroup servers for checking/posting on Usenet groups without Google—I continue to pop in on some on my old favourite alt.tv groups this way.