
Considering the plot seems to be exactly the same as the first one, you could probably go piss any time you want and be fine. But yes, I agree, work intermissions into these super long movies. It was good enough for Kubrick!

It’s perfectly OK to like bad things, bad on purpose or not.

And they still push the same “AOC is dumb” jokes anyway, no matter what she says.

You are suggesting that the anti-vaccine movement did not exist before COVID?

We support the free market.

So much of the evil plotting on these shows is high concept to the point of goofiness, which of course we are all clamoring for because it’s fun, but then to have a villain use a gun — not a nanobot wrist thingy, but an actual recognizable weapon — to plug an innocent for basically no reason, well, as the Youths might

The Kara-fucking-up-the-interview thing really rang false. She was away for like 90 seconds! And they called off the entire thing? In a show as nutso as this one, that is where I can’t suspend my disbelief, I guess.

So the adoption thing reminds me of something I saw on my (so far) only pilgrimage to the Super Museum in Metropolis IL. In a display case, kind of stuffed in with other knickknacks, is a bumper sticker from what has to be the 60s or 70s, from some New Jersey foster care service, with a drawing of Superman and the

Saving the day with barely-explained blue magic hoodoo that does whatever the plot needs it to? Hey, that’s Dreamer’s thing!

I have also noticed the no promos thing, it’s like the CW is saying “just get this show the fuck off the air and we’ll pretend it never existed”

I also have not seen it yet, and will recant if I’m wrong, but the trailer really really really REALLY makes it look like Franklin sat down at the piano and wrote it by herself on the fly.

Fixing the Joy-con drift issues? No? Well, see ya.

Oh...oh my.

I can’t wait to get a little drunk and high on Monday and definitely not illegally download this piece of shit

I had honestly forgotten the first movie ever even existed and thought this was some new IP with a stupid title.

My entry for Sara Is The Best is her reaction to Bishop when he tells her what he's up to -- "THAT IS A TERRIBLE PLAN!" That's why we love our Captain. 

They are working really hard to make you get that Bishop is quirky. 

Ava turning into a technical manual is some truly excellent character humor. 

Why would Clark need to ask his holo-daddy about what’s happening with Jordan? Clark also had to deal with this, right? And why not ask Aunt Kara there is literally nobody else in the world who can help.

So Barry’s mother/daughter was jealous of his sister/wife? I really wish someone would have sat them down to explain that they are not your literal children, you fucking freaks.