Getting in under the wire!
Getting in under the wire!
I read it!
Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives is a really cool idea for a show, and he always seemed legitimately excited to visit those places and give them some attention, so he'll always have that going for him as far as I'm concerned.
"we're all in this together now"
What does "gender performance" mean? I can't figure it out from the context.
Kite Man! Hell Yeah!
I often feel that reality could benefit from a good augmentin'.
You want butts in the seats, dontcha?
I still think they should have just had Paul Dini in the corner, and every time Snyder or Goyer have to make a decision, they look at Paul, who simply either nods or shakes his head.
I've always read that character in the voice of Mr Feeny from Boy Meets World.
Raced down here to the comments to say exactly this, thank you.
"Anton died so we could live" absolutely slayed me.
All 3 albums by Sonny Knight & the Lakers, a couple times each. RIP
That Haim song. I like do like the same part in the chorus, and the way that "I'll give you all the love I never gave" rolls off the tongue, but I can't help from laughing a little at how they pronounce some of the lyrics. I can't not hear it as "Jest know thet I want yew beck"
The recipe is simple:
Don't forget your Sadness Repellent Bat-Spray.
I really do hate how, on a Kinja site, the only comments you can immediately see are the worst goddamn puns.
"We Russians don't have proverbs; we have vodka and misery. Wait…that was a proverb."