
I couldn't/hadn't yet located a desktop app for it — is there a link you can give for that? lol

Wow. That took only a -little- bit of guesswork with google translate, and the mobile app installs to a device in English. #Awesome ++ Thank you!



In my opinion, it shouldn't. It's a societal construct. Skin color differentiates, yes, but a darker/lighter/mixed/etc. American, Briton, Australian, and African are all going to have different cultures. I'd prefer a "no race" nation.

But without a "full registration" listing of the # of users that subscribe to each socially-defined race (because American culture assigns Japanese as a race, but Mexican as a national origin. -_-; Ahem.) ... how is this to be considered totally accurate/an "honest" representation?

Damn... people gotta keep up reputations... "token avatars" and all that. Sheesh!

Nice coverage of this. :)

is that a.... an allusion to the fan-made projects?

" Tekkeg Tag Tournament " — #Tekken #Corrections

damn, beat me to it. Hahaha

"The study results also indicated that 20% of parents in Stockholm and the surrounding suburbs had lost their child or children, at least for a moment, because they were paying attention to their phones."

"Feds are coming, it won't be pretty, and there will be a lot of people that are shocked. Don't be a shocked person, be smart." —you didn't overtly state it, but you damn near implied it, yes.

Indeed, and agreed. Do pick it up, if you like that sort of thing. As its alpha, the towns//interactions with NPCs don't necessarily all make complete sense, but, I'm willing to bet that's on the "to fix!" list

you missed the "NOT MINECRAFT" comment... Redstone/an "electronics system" isn't at all relevant to the gameplay in any form.

I made a -good- controller setup with an xbox 360 pad and the -free- JoyToKey software, if anyone's interested... It's much more comfortable for me to game long-term with a controller than a keyboard+mouse, especially when "middle click" was dodge.

As I commented there,


kotaku featured this one toward the beginning of the year...... surprised nobody suspected the makers of copying the Pokemon 3D maps? *shrug* could be wrong, but still.