

May or may not be dead?

fkkin.... HAPPY! ... That's what.

Wishing you (and her!) all the best in your endeavor, both as the years continue on beyond the scope of video-gaming, and the immediate-term 'can video games become -further- accessible?' idea. Wasn't sure what to expect when I clicked on the article, but this is a heartwarming surprise clip/news piece :).

Rad Racer, Top Gun, Streets of Rage/Golden Axe/take your pick... lol. Boat sounded like Cobra Triangle (NES), lol, MGS "!"'s... Nice styles "borrowed," but those are your games, if you'd like 'em. I also spy some C64/Commodore64/"tracker music" sfx. :P

Had one, they existed! Found it more useful than the NES one. (NES allowed 3 codes, Genesis had... I believe 5 or 6). For what it's worth, lol.

was finally able to purchase a copy tonight. :)

This is -NOT- a Game Boy. Obviously, as it says 2 seconds in to the video, it's a "Dingoo A330" with a case mod. Nice presentation, but that snippet of the theme song is getting old after 2 decades, too. Bleh. Android/iOS technology does the same thing, with HDMI (not RCA... -_-;) video-out features.

three tims, lol

what an ass.


more like this, please


Now playing

Looks like a -game- version of the Gmod Idiot Box