
But does it change anything? Comment was fair/apt

...and Westwood.

Barcades, like 16-Bit in Ohio, are pretty kick-ass for a “buy one drink, play arcades (including turtles) for free!”

30k music tracks still streaming with little issue, 10 years later

Play Music let me upload a good 30,000 MP3's about a decade ago... Pretty sure YouTube Music can't compare. 😕

Because Halo-themed Lego/Mega Blox kits don't exist?

Is there ANY legit way to attain that in 2019? :( Have been searching unsuccessfully for a few years.

Beat me to it. Glad to see a mention

Anyting for Android that doesn’t involve buying an Xperia phone, just out of curiosity?

Ooooor the 20s were spent in a doomed-to-fail marriage, but hey, blame friends :P.

So. Fucking. Difficult. :(

Get the fuck out of there.

#Ohio #Winning #Sports yet again. Nobody remembers the Orientals?

Don’t tell artists how to art.

Yeah. Fuck the implied logic in this one. Youtube, kissanime, and the occasional download work JUST fine, here.

Oh, whew.

Oh, whew.

well-played, sir

Lest we forget. — :)

Also, Quake3, Dreamcast, supported Keyboard+Mouse. Why did nobody continue that :(

It’s so SLOW. Walking is a crawl... Every. Damn. Time.