Angela Rye is a national treasure.
Angela Rye is a national treasure.
Sometimes it feels like the speed of the schedule of some of the Netflix comedians is contributing to a decrease in the quality of the material. When you’re putting out 2-3 specials per year or even within 2 years of each other, how likely is it that the material is baked to perfection rather than just quick-fried to…
I mean, if the reality is that the past decade of “supervision” has been bullshit, why did he have to plead to anything at all? Seems like all the charges should have been dismissed entirely.
Hey, that kind of abandonment of moral clarity is the future of the franchise you’re criticizing there! Show a little respect for the inevitable abundance of “Gray Jedi” running around like Wolverine knock-offs.
One time I got so high watching Snatch that I could understand Brad Pitt perfectly. It was glorious.
Would I Lie To You is another that I’d like to see brought over, although the current version of To Tell The Truth is pretty funny itself.
I love Channel 4, although I can only catch most of its stuff on YouTube currently. Would love an “outside Britain” option for watching it ASAP.
Not sure what grounds you’re using to call her an “islamophobe,” but perhaps you’re not aware she was the victim of a fake tweet? She’s stood up against anti-Semitism in the Labour Party and has been specifically targeted for it.
Eight million people play Dungeons & Dragons every year.
And that was back when Marvel was only doing two movies per year and only had the original Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America franchises driving the cinematic universe. Things are a lot more crowded now, with more characters to highlight.
Looking forward to your even-longer-than-your-last-one reply about how you standing up for your candidate is good but anyone else doing the same is somehow wrong for it.
It’s pretty obvious that you are severely insecure about your favorite candidate
It can be done fast or it can be done right. I know which one I want.
The only potential candidate who polled better with African-Americans than Sanders, according to the poll by Morning Consult, is former Vice President Joe Biden, who has not announced a campaign.
The Intercept has yet to meet a lie it won’t deploy in support of Bernie Sanders.
And he claims “corporate media” doesn’t support him!
Please. The goalposts of rabid Sanders supporters move so often and so far that they should have jet engines. A taste of his own medicine serves him right.
Yeah, and it only took Jane 4 years to find them. In 2016, all they released was a 2-page summary for one year.