Or maybe certain bitter primary voters should have prioritized “preventing GOP control of the Supreme Court” over “whiny diaper-baby temper tantrum” when they were checking off “Jill Stein” or writing in “Bernie Sanders” in the voting booth.
Or maybe certain bitter primary voters should have prioritized “preventing GOP control of the Supreme Court” over “whiny diaper-baby temper tantrum” when they were checking off “Jill Stein” or writing in “Bernie Sanders” in the voting booth.
Never forget the left-wing malfeasance of 2016 that put us in this nightmare situation.
The proper context for this piece was/is “Woman accused of elder abuse rants at corporation in attempt to get paid to go away.” It certainly wasn’t/isn’t “JC Lee is the heir to Stan Lee’s legacy because AV Club appreciates that she doesn’t like Disney either.”
Which means it’s likely to appear in every comic for the next year, in 20-odd different comics per month. Some “disrespect,” huh?
Captain Marvel is great and I look forward to her future adventures, but the example they picked regarding Thor’s behavior (Jodenheim raid) took place before (and was literally the original cause of why) Odin added the worthiness requirement to Mjolnir. You can’t ding someone for not being worthy before “being worthy”…
LOL there’s nothing in that video that hasn’t been edited by Kardashian publicity chasers to sound vaguely approving enough to fool ignorant sex-tape-diva stans.
Aisling Bea? She’s hilarious, although as a British comedian most Americans might not know her. I wonder if she gets to keep her Irish accent in this.
If they do a solid adaptation, they should be able to get 20-odd episodes out of it. And since it’s Netflix, I doubt it will get more than 2 seasons anyway.
Boo this man.
Superego, now there was a podcast. And The Dead Author’s Podcast, another seemingly-forgotten classic in this crazy modern world.
The dudes who have made the best Spider-Man film (the recent Spider-verse cartoon) are with Sony
Give credit where credit is due: Willem Dafoe’s performance as Norman Osborn/Green Goblin is a perfect distillation of every crazy comic-book villain ever that still hasn’t been topped by the MCU after 22 movies.
Fashion shmashion. I just find one shirt that fits comfortably and buy it in 7 colors. Problem solved.
I think what’s most disturbing is how Tarantino talks about Lee as though he knew him or met him and had any kind of insight into his personality beyond what someone might pick up from seeing his movies and reading about him. Tarantino was 10 years old when Lee passed, so I’m pretty doubtful that they had the kind of…
I mean, even in your own article, this quote appeared first:
No, they did that because they couldn’t trademark “Sci-Fi” because it was too generic a term. “SyFy” was the spelling/sound combination that was available, and now they “own” it for licensing purposes.
What is truly necessary is an alternate cable scifi channel, but with cable collapsing, it won’t happen.
Syfy has been a bit heavy on cancellations of late
It’s on you to make the audience happy.