Existence's Best Boss

For all the children who thought Watership Down was too upbeat.

I have a t-shirt that looks like the Sam Adams beer label, but it has a picture of Matt Berry and it says, “Jackie Daytona: Human Bartender”.  It’s a good shirt. 

Sam Neil continued, “And I asked myself, well... how did I get here? How do I work this? Where is that large automobile? I was absolutely baffled. This is not my beautiful house, this is not my beautiful wife. My god! What have I done?”

I’m going to add this to the pile of articles that point out why Snyder films are bad but insist that their many flaws don’t matter.

Well, like they say, there’s no accounting for taste. I wouldn’t piss on the X-Men franchise if it was on fire. Not that they’re bad movies, and X2 in particular is good, it’s just that something about the X-Men in general doesn’t do it for me.

It sounds like you’re looking for a superhero property that will...go BEYOND, PLUS ULTRA!

This guy gets it!

Do you know the way to Shell Beach?

WB has been run by fuckwits for decades, but I would also be just as happy to never hear Zack Snyder's name ever again. 

So does the constant coverage of Zack Snyder...

“I suck at my job, but I’m pretending my awful choices are my ‘vision.’”

But Snyder has given plenty of indications in recent months that he’s still not happy about how the whole situation went down

“How do you do, fellow lumberjacks?”

There was plenty of Doakes to go around.

I just didn’t find it very funny. Glad you did, though.

Several songs by Queen.

Methos was awesome. 

Highlander is not a movie...

Anyone remember Methos? I liked Methos.

That person is not crowned ‘highlander’ silly! Connor IS a highlander, hence the name. Sheesh!