Existence's Best Boss

If you believe that the answer to criticism about one candidate is “Well what about this other candidate instead,” then you’ve already lost the debate. Address the issues of the criticism regardless of what any other candidate has done.

I mean, everyone knows that “candy-ass” is just a new stand-in for the homophobic F-word, right? IDK why everyone seems so quick and easy about adopting it. 

At the root of it all is capitalism and the need (greed?) to endlessly acquire more wealth. It’s rather ironic that having wealth made these families more tight-fisted than the poorest person on the planet. They could have paid for all this college and made the money back in a few years through investments or whatever

It certainly doesn’t help that no one back then thought to imagine non-white Kryptonians. 

Spin The Wheel is nothing but The Wall with a different gimmick and a less-controversial host, and I mean literally. Same producer (Andrew Glassman), same celebrity co-producer schtick (this time with Justin Timberlake instead of LeBron James), same Hallmark-Channel-esque “Our contestants are good people who deserve

These people all look like the lovechild from a drunken hookup between Goth and Rainbow. 

“But it’s the setting,” he’ll claim. “In old western times, this is how they treated women, so my hands are tied!”

Scrubs Season 8. Not technically a finale, because they tried to re-jigger the show for more life on ABC, but still one of the best “final” seasons out there. All the call-backs, the cameos, the character growth and story resolution.

It’s 23 free characters of space-filler. 

The old Gawker Media Group is being used by its newest corporate ownership to undermine Democrats at every level, specifically with divisive articles about candidates with the best chance of forming a majority coalition.

There’s only one question there, ass-face. But I guess having an ass for a face makes it hard for you to read well, huh?

It feels like “candy-ass” is being used as a stand-in for the (homophobic) F-word and people just seem OK with it. Am I the only one that finds this weird?

LOL You got ratio’d!

If Gestalt really is just one person, one consciousness, operating these bodies simultaneously, then the idea of naming them and addressing each one as an individual makes zero sense. I mean, if I met someone who told me that they’d named their hands and feet and expected me to address each one by name and gender, I’d

It seems like it’s a dumb name just for the sake of having a dumb name. If they wanted something that sounded like “Tiffany,” why not just use “Tiffany” instead of something that they have to constantly explain “sounds like Tiffany?”

They only get 10 episodes per season. Not every character has a story worthy of an A-plot, and can be showcased well enough by some B-plot activity. 

Nah, a full re-watch binge will take at least three days. Can’t do season 3 without checking back on 1 and 2 first!

Warner Brothers tried to rush a Justice League movie after seeing The Avengers make a billion dollars. That’s all this boils down to. They didn’t want to finance movies for each character as Marvel was doing, they just desired an instant payoff they hadn’t earned yet. If the DCEU had taken some time to establish their

Wow, that’s an impressive disconnect from reality that you’re sporting there. The only remotely valid argument you have is the older Superman movies, since Marvel can’t travel back in time to soak up 30 years of audience goodwill and had to settle for getting it all in just 10 instead. The “middle DC?” The Avengers