Existence's Best Boss

Star for the perfect Hot Fuzz reference.

Yeah, the fixation on the spy premise seems weird. It was all just decoration for the jokes and had no literal impact on anything. They were, in fact, some of the worst spies in the world, for anyone paying attention.

Any proper cat custodian knows that you have to pet the butt to get them to arch properly.

Yeah, but she’s not wrong. 

10 hrs x 30-odd characters? 

Unless there’s more to the roster than that, I see some glaring disappointments.

Rounder bolder, square hallway? There was room to lie down, at least, in the space between the boulder and the corner. 

discontent that started at ire, blew right past indignation, and settled in as just the latest expression of the internet’s ongoing addiction to rage.

Netflix is the new SyFy, complete with a “Cancel after two seasons” business model. That must be why I found it so easy to cancel my subscription and tune the entire streaming platform out.

But very little that he builds lasts beyond one book. He fucked up with the ending of the first book and the extent to which the third relied on flashbacks only shows that he knows it. 

I found the plot device used to separate the characters at the end of third book to be particularly weak.

HAHAHAHAHA, good one. 

I don’t understand this entitlement that someone is supposed to spend their time and effort to set up a game that you get to play for free.

“Well I personally haven’t experienced this type of expression of homophobia, so it can’t possibly really be homophobia at all.”

The casting director for the movie hired a child who is a deliberate Egon look-a-like. You may have to come to terms with the fact that this “internet bullshit” is probably true.

And if they do re-cast Bond as a woman, do they have to then create a stable of “Bond dudes” or “Bond men” for her to have relations with?

Ghostbusters Babies, we make pointless sequels come true

A desperate ploy to tap into the Stranger Things audience. The casting of a Stranger Things child actor is a pretty big giveaway of their intentions.

It’s because everyone responds to call him out and then upvotes the callouts. He’s milking the system and we’re all playing into his hands. 

He fished for replies with tempting bait and got some. And because the replies got so many stars, he’s basically one of the top comments now.