The A. B. Janets

It’s called lollipopping, Ron. All the kids are doing it.

that does help, thank you. I really appreciate it.

man, if you lived in Baltimore, this is extra special, because pedestrians here are just fucking nuts when it comes to walking across the street and timing it so that you ALMOST hit them with your car. it’s like a never-ending game of chicken in the streets. what Walt’s doing is just a low-key extension of that

apologies for the wilds off-topic question but I’m kinda spiraling at my job and need some internet feedback (what could go wrong).

they are far, far more concerned about protecting the “integrity” of their basketball and football programs than they are with looking like decent fucking people

saying the Celtics are like perfect antithesis to the Process is at least partly bad faith. Ainge gets a ton of credit for being patient and making some brilliant moves, but jesus people, that Brooklyn trade? Who the fuck gets gifted that sort of trade? You don’t plan for that, Process or no. Ainge almost dealt away

Well, seeing as Bertrammm’s weird tantrum has escalated to dismissing responses, I’ll reply to myself.

Wait, did you dismiss my last reply?

It’s pure, unadulterated exploitation of actual victimization.

Dang, there is a lot of anger here.

No one deserves to be pilloried for being a defensive boor.

We can (and are) disagree on if it’s “piggybacking” or not, but calling it “bald opportunism and exploitation” is a patently bad faith reading of the complexity of Machado, as well as many others, speaking up about Diaz’s public and private behavior over the years.

I have, many times. There are some really good episodes and mini arcs, but there’s a lot of subpar work around those. It’s mostly not worth it, IMO. The whole Pam/camera guy thing was not believable at all.

Totally! I thought the interrogation ep was just a retread of several previous episodes/arcs of Jake and Holt bonding. It didn’t offer anything new.

The most recent one was solid, as was Jake’s bachelor party. But that one that was just Jake and Holt in the interrogation room? Awful.

Not quite as fluent with that show as I am with the others mentioned, but it seemed like the show didn’t so much as experience the overextended decline that we saw in The Office, but rather set itself on fire by being unable to find a suitable conclusion. Is that too generous?

Hard agree. The quality has fallen off a cliff. I think P&R handled that better because they had a bit longer/stronger base to work with.

It’s not piggybacking. It’s expanding the context to include the fact that this guy was often (OFTEN) a huge asshole in public with women in particular. It further shows how the literary community excuses awful behavior even when it’s right in front of their faces.

Brooklyn 99 has been one of my favorite shows the past few years. It has brought me a lot of joy in the wake of Parks and Rec.

Assorted remembrances from a Wilson alum: