The A. B. Janets

this bag is a strong bag but Bud Bowl Dude messed up the Manning thing. He yells OMAHA, not Oklahoma

that is *exactly* what’s going to happen with Rozier

is a college athletic department or football program *ever* going to get shut down over something like this? i mean, it didn’t happen with PSU or Baylor (and should have), but I want to believe the odds are getting better

excellent point!

here’s why I particularly want to throttle this guy: with precious few exceptions, my in laws are all like that friend. they’re not bad people (well, a few objectively are) but I cannot stand them in the most granular and fundamental ways. granted, i don’t see them all that much, but. it. sucks. and i deal with it and

that was totally something people did, which I completely forgot about — until sometime last year when I started playing a *very* dumb zombie shooter game and whenever you successfully killed at least three zombies with a grenade a “Kobe!” would flash on the screen

I don’t think he stole the game, but if you think he still goes for a 3 while down 2 (instead bullrushing the rim to at least draw a foul) then you are crazy

but like, onthe play before, Bron was credited with a turnover when it clearly still should have been Cavs ball, so when does the clock designate “final moments” for “The Game” I promise my use of quotes isn’t meant to be snarky here, but rather to illustrate Burneko’s (implied) point that video review is a rabbit

ugh whiskey sours are just melted down jolly ranchers with alcohol. pass.

ooooooooh please do Unnecessary Roughness next!!!

the refs were definitely all over the place. from my corner I saw more (not, like, a ton more, but more) questionable calls go against Miami

I’m slightly pulling for Philly because they’re just fun as hell in a “we’re either stomping to the hoop like hoard of hyper athletic puppies or we’ll rain fire from 3" kind of way, but man, Miami did get the short end of some reeeeally questionable calls last night. Yeah, the refs generally did OK with letting the

I dislike Whiteside, but you’re def not wrong here.

clearly has a bit of a slam aesthetic. good for him.

man I would love love love for a one-issue of athlete poetry. they can use pseudonyms if they want, but I’d want to know their sport at least.

honestly, “Is smallish for interior life” could also work in an MFA poetry workshop

good god I see that line trotted sooo much for pedophilia in Eastern art and games, as well as to excuse racism

love it. thank you!

Spot on.

for the first time in over 20 years, L.A. swept the season series against San Antonio