Yeah, that's really annoying to me considering I really don't like Sense but love my hardware.
Yeah, that's really annoying to me considering I really don't like Sense but love my hardware.
I'm like that, too. I am usually focused on a single game at a game or else I don't ever finish any games.
I'd be willing to bet there isn't much battery savings between downloaded games from the memory stick and actual cards. The only real bonus is that you don't need to swap cards and you can carry more games with you without a case.
A co-worker and I wonder if there would be as much uproar if Sony followed Apple's route and sold the Vita with pre-installed, non-removable memory and charged based on the amount. So a 4GB Vita would be $270 and a 32GB Vita would be $350. There's something about it being "hidden" inside of the device that leads…
This sucks! I just told my friend that he could activate his bundle in Steam not knowing that they had discontinued it because of a bunch of asshats. Thanks, jerks who abuse the system! true. I sold my skin for $25 or so and I never regretted it. That is especially true now.
Agreed. I can't wait for my friend to beat the game just so he and I can discuss. I'd love to show it to him on Youtube, but I think it has an even creepier feel if you've played the game.
I was waiting for a TAY so I could post this and it relates to the image. :)
Awesome. Glad you're enjoying it more. I want to read THG series soon. I take it you've enjoyed that series so far?
Were you into fantasy novels prior to reading the series? I'm a hardcore fantasy novel guy and what I liked about aSoIaF was how refreshingly different it is from so many of your "typical" fantasy series. The characters are deep and they develop in realistic, interesting ways. The story is more about political…
More power to these guys. They found a way to use something they are good at to make money. I don't consider it cheating since you could do the exact same thing with any random person you met or a friend if they're willing to help you. Just because you're paying money for this doesn't qualify it as cheating, imo. …
Oh yeah...Darth Skeletor is a way cooler name. Skevader sounds like the name of someone from Iceland. haha
Yeah...that's a good question. I didn't even know it existed. I probably would have used it if I had known, but I can't miss something I didn't use.
Why oh why can I not resist Arkham City DLC??? It is a bane upon my wallet!
I might very well grab this now that I have a Rezound!
I tried to buy it twice. Both times it said that it failed, but then it installed and I got an email saying that it was purchased. So....I have no idea if I really bought it. haha I hope so though cuz I want to put it on my tablet!
I want the PSV to be successful. I really do. I've enjoyed my PSP a lot over the last couple of years, but what Sony's doing with the memory cards is stupid.
Sorry to hear about your issues, man! I wish I could give you answers. I'm actually a software developer so I don't work in the package delivery area. Actually, the people who do that type of work could be considered the internal customers of the software I develop. I can understand why that'd be frustrating.
I agree. FedEx sucks. Always ship UPS. However, I should probably mention that I work for UPS so my opinion might be ever so slightly biased. haha
I agree wholeheartedly. I'm a huge fan of U1 and U2. U3 fell flat on both story and gameplay. It was probably my biggest gaming disappointment this year partially because I had such huge hopes due to how awesome U2 was.