
We just took ours down this weekend. We like it, so we figure we might as well keep it until the trash pickup says they won’t take them any more. :)

Those pieces look like they would 3D print pretty well. If someone were to make a similar design, the board would be easy to create by hand also.

I’m also a huge Clutch fan. A few of the songs grabbed me instantly. A few took a couple days of heavy listening. Give it some time. :)

I’ve always been in the “no expandable memory, no thank you” group, but I have to admit that this phone is really making me reconsider.

I thought it was exciting when Amazon announced it, but reading this I see his point. I’m not sold that it’s a feature that most people will even use and if I were running Netflix I wouldn’t add it simply to compete with Amazon. Now, if it ends up being something that draws users away from Netflix to Amazon, then

Totally agree about the DSLR. I got one after my wife and I had kids. I love it. I am by no means a great photographer, but I’m still able to capture some amazing shots with it. I was looking at photos I took at the beach on my Macbook’s Retina Display and it was amazing.

I’ve been enjoying Saga, East of West, C.O.W.L. and Southern Bastards.

I’ve been reading Fables after grabbing the first few trades. It’s been one of the only comics I continue to read as singles. I can’t wait to finish the last few issues and then the final huge issue. I’ve been saving them up.

Thank you. I don’t understand how people didn’t get that the guitar and drums were an army march.

Oh yeah. I totally agree. I loved the Mario educational games. I think I rented and beat Mario is Missing about 5 times.

Classic drug-pushing move!

Dang...from this list I’ve only read Dune though I want to read Foundation soon (perhaps in a couple of weeks at the beach!) I’ll be adding the rest of these to my to-read list!

I had one of these in my townhouse before I moved to a single family home. I loved it! Ours was loud, but it was great for cooling the house without running the AC and I liked bringing in fresh air. It was also wonderful when you were painting a room for getting the paint smell out of the house. :)

I keep a pair of earbuds at work dedicated to watching videos/playing handheld video games while pooping at work. I also have a pair on my nightstand for doing the same thing in bed. I also have a pair in my Vita’s case and another in my laptop bag.

Yes yes and yes. A friend turned me on to this series and I gobbled up the 3 available trades in a couple of weeks. They are all excellent. I really enjoyed the 3rd with the shift to focus on Kate and her adventures in LA.

That’s a pretty spot on review though I felt the father-daughter stuff was a little better portrayed than you did. However I’ve found that I am a sucker for father-daughter stories ever since my wife and I had our twin girls 3 years ago so I’m sure that played into it for me.

I’m totally going to hate watch this as soon as it’s out on Netflix. A friend and I are actually excited about it.

So what is your favorite? I feel like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are my favorite though a Snickers is just a very solid, every-man’s chocolate bar.

Oh man...can you imagine them dropping it into a flat rate box and then the USPS loses it??? hahaha :)

GAH. I was hoping no one picked up on this and posted it before me. Congratulations to you. haha