
I'll be firing up Rock Band in a few weeks just so I can use the drum trainer to teach myself some real drum beats. :) I have a set of real drums and I'm going to set them up in front of the TV and then play the RB Trainer stuff on the real drums to practice.

I could play the challenge maps for months so $7 is well worth it, imo. I actually got the Robin DLC as a pre-order bonus by ordering from Best Buy which was intentional. I did purchase the Nightwing DLC however.

An Oracle kart-racing level would be killer. haha Good call! :)

The aiming was actually something that I didn't mind about Uncharted 3. I had other issues with the game and the aiming took some getting used to, but I adjusted and it hasn't been a problem since. Last night I was playing through the ship levels and I was hitting every target with ease.

The Uncharted fanboys are absolutely seething over this article. I didn't think the guy really attacked the game all that much. He pointed out issues with the gameplay which are there. How are games supposed to improve as a medium if we ignore the flaws of a game just because its popular?

Wow. This is exactly what I've been feeling playing through Uncharted 3. Uncharted 2 was so much fun and had just enough excitement to keep me engaged without overusing the things that made the game exciting. It's like the developers thought that more equals better in Uncharted 3 which is definitely not the case.

Thank you for a very insightful and well written review. I had absolutely no intention of playing this game even though I've loved every Zelda game in the past (minus TP). I figured that there is just too much else out there for me to waste even a week with a new Zelda when I'd probably get bored with it and stop

I would have to agree that Batman Forever is a terrible movie. It's not as bad as Batman and Robin, but it was still awful. Val Kilmer played such a goofy, lame Bruce Wayne/Batman. Jim Carrey played the Riddler as if the Riddler's real name was Ace Venture. Two-face's double personality was used poorly and in an

It looks like he had the wrong movie in mind, but he was still correct that Batman Forever was terrible. It wasn't Batman & Robin terrible, but it was still terrible. It was a slightly less smelling turd. haha

My friend and I would give it 10-15 minutes sometimes and we'd never get into a game. Maybe we weren't waiting long enough though anything more than 5 is excessive, imo.

I'd agree with that. The MP in Brotherhood was soooo much fun. My only issue was that it was almost impossible to get into games on the PS3 most of the time. I don't know if that was a widespread issue, but my friend and I had major issues.

It'll still be $80, I bet, which is at least double the cost of a non-proprietary format.

I'd have to agree with you. While I enjoy Uncharted, the gunplay and cover mechanics just aren't as refined and tight as Gears. When I'm playing Gears, I feel like I have exact control over where I'm moving and positioning myself whereas Uncharted tends to be much looser and doesn't always move where you want. way. They need to vastly improve the cover and gunplay mechanics of Uncharted to get it up to the level of Gears. Uncharted has the vertical elements, but it's base gameplay isn't as refined. It's definitely good, but Gears is to U3 as U3 is to Mass Effect 2 from a shooter perspective, imo.

Very well written and on the mark. I can't help but agree with everything you said.

Supposedly Clffy B tweeted that this first map pack is not going to count as one of the four if you bought the Season Pass so you'll get four more DLC packs after this one with the Season Pass.

While I agree that $7 is rather high for the character and the 2 maps, I'm still going to buy it. It's one of the rare occasions where I'll splurge on something like this only because of how much runtime I will personally get out of it.

Yeah, you could shoot him at one point earlier in the game before you realize who he is. Something like that.

Agreed. I refuse to buy the same game twice for something like that. It's almost like the whole Blu-ray/DVD thing. If I can't get both for one price, I'm only ever going to buy one. And DVD/Blu-rays for way cheaper than these games.

I replayed the challenge maps even after I got all of the trophies for about a month. I'm sure I can squeeze some time out of this game. :)