
Hayter is a great writer and I figured his change to the end of Watchmen was for the exact reasons he mentioned. I didn't mind it at all and I've read the graphic novel probably 50 times.

Oh yeah. Solid Snake is one of my favorites (not that I'm great at it). I have a friend who is pretty good at a Solid Snake impression. His favorite thing to do is to reply in a Solid Snake voice by taking whatever you just said and turning it into a question.

Oh, definitely. I think it's a great idea to let them take games home and play them, but the games that they use should be a cost of doing business.

Agreed. I get that companies "borrow" ideas from one another. It's how the business works. In fact, I'm totally cool with one company taking the idea of their competitor and improving/perfecting it. What's annoying with Sony is, as you said, how they trashtalk the competition and then turn around and copy them.

Bah. You're right! I knew that, too. In fact, I used to do that all the time. I stand corrected. The first would have been included and the 2nd and 3rd would have been DLC. :)

The first 2 warp whistles would have been included in the game in SMB3 and the 3rd would have been DLC. :)

Haha...I really liked the sarcasm in this post in reference to FF3. Since it's one of my favorite games of all time, it just made me laugh. Good job!

I have a friend who has actually returned TVs because they take too long to start up. He was buying an LCD TV for his bedroom and if it took "too long", he returned it. However, he's also a weird guy who obsesses over some really trivial stuff so I wouldn't use him as an example of what gamers are looking for in

Hopefully he does. :)

We don't have Blockbusters around me anymore. They all shut down a few months ago. So I can really only rent games from Gamefly or Redbox now.

I can definitely see myself using this when I want to check out a title before I purchase or just grab something that I'd never want to buy and play it for a weekend.

The way Redbox works for movies is that they don't charge you until you return it, so I'd guess you'd see the single $60 charge.

I think that's probably the downside he's referring to. Anyone who wants to reconcile their bills will then have to count the 30 charges and all that. But, yeah, you're right, it's not really that big of a deal.

I can't say I'm surprised and I'm not really concerned about it. I have a PS3 and that's good enough for now. If I ever want another Bluray player, they are getting cheaper every day.

True. I'd guess that he'd prefer taking the black since he'd be available for counsel and such, but he'd have sacrificed himself in a second to protect Sansa and Arya. On the other hand, his survival would have helped deter Rob from continuing the war which might have been a good thing, too.

Well, he could have easily taken the stand that his honor and principles were worth dying for and refused to admit his treason. That would have been a typical Ned Stark move. He learned, a bit too late, that you can't always do what's honorable and survive.


The moral ambiguity, imo, comes later in the series. The first book laid the groundwork for the characters and the other books showed them change and grow. In the first book, the characters are who they are.

Thanks for my new desktop wallpaper at work! :)

Not sure what it is. It could very well be some kind of proprietary protocol they've developed. It might run on top of some other well known protocol or something though.