
Yeah, it definitely sounds like a nice piece of hardware. And the fact that it isn't as powerful as a PS3 isn't a negative, imo. It's just reality. I still want one....eventually. I just know that I'm not going to be willing to drop what Sony will be asking.

Everytime someone I knew mentioned that the PSP2 was going to be as powerful as a PS3, I wanted to punch them. haha And I'm talking about tech-savvy gamer people, not people like my grandmother or something.

I wish they'd just let us know the release date!!!! I want to take a vacation day to play this when it launches.

@Communist Pope: Agreed. I'll pop it in from time to time and just try to beat my high scores in the fighting missions. So fun.

@Eternal: That's a good idea. I think a combination would be good where you could only run Detective Vision for a set amount of time and it had a cooldown period.

@Platypus Man: As long as they're not building PS3's in Iraq, that should work. :)

Awesome! I was just thinking that I needed to jump back in and play some more AC:B to finish some of the side stuff. :)

Bioshock is the game I always tell people I wish I could forget and play again.

@Jad: It's hard to overstate

Does he remind anyone else of a douchier version of Shia Lebouf? His voice makes me want to punch him in the eyeball. Ugh.

They should get David O. Russell to take it on. It would be great!

I've never seen Halle Berry in a role where I went "wow...what a great job". So, I guess that's my issue with her. I can't picture her playing the strong, black lead well.

True...Jubilee wouldn't have fit the story, but they created the story! So it's still their own fault.

If you couldn't tell from the other 2 replies, Michael was referring to X3 and Wolverine when he said the last two.

I can't help but agree with you. Why not just make the young character be Jubilee if they were going for that? I'd have loved to see a faithful version of Rogue and Gambit in the movies. And Halle Berry was a terrible choice for Storm. I'd love to see a really strong black woman pick up that role and run with it.

I'm with you, Mike! The trailer looked ok, but I can't help but expect a crapfest after the last 2 movies. Plus, I totally agree that, other than the JFK appearance, I would have had no clue that this was set in the 1960's. It does have Bryan Singer attached and the director seems to be good, so it might be ok, but


I don't know if everyone saw Fox News' terrible, terrible story on Bulletstorm, but the psychologist who made the totally unfounded and unprovable claims that video games lead to rapes has a book. That book is on Amazon. That books has gotten destroyed by reviews because of her comments. Hilarious! [

I read the headline and thought the comic was going to have some in-game DLC. :( I'll probably still pick this up since I'm an avid Batman reader.

This may have just sold me on picking up this game at launch. I'll be done grad school and there won't be anything else until the fall and it just looks so darn good. I love the idea of investigating and finding clues and also being a part of the action. And that facial animation is amazing!