
Agreed. I check my credit card statements every month and I know exactly what I owe and why and how much is in my bank account. It's not that hard!

The points argument is somewhat valid except that to refill the points on the system, you have to buy them and it gives you a very real dollar amount for that. But, like you said, he's 11 so it may not have clicked for him.

Yes, this this this. I assume you'd want to be able to build your own choreography to those songs to play locally? That'd be awesome. It'd be pretty awesome if there was a way that you could download other player's choreographies, too. You would just need to provide the actual music. There'd probably be copyright

Dance Central is the game that's tempting me to buy a Kinect. If the Kinect were more around the $100 price, I'd probably have already done it. These features sound really, really awesome so if DC2 comes out and has all of this stuff, I might finally break down and get one.

Yeah, seriously. I'm not a huge fan of the new design, but it's not the worst thing I've ever seen either.

@Scott Rogers: Tell me about it! I am just getting through the tutorials now. I am a little over halfway done.

@Dr. Tobias Funke (Analrapist): Did I tell you about the post Tycho made about this type of thing? He actually emailed one of the leads of that game Monday Night Combat about their porting of the game to the PC. It was an interesting read.

I'm always throwing down ideas for full-fledged games or LBP2 levels. I'll put them into my phone, on scrap paper, wherever. Once I graduate in May I'm hoping to turn some of the game ideas into actual games. :)

@symphonycometh: Yeah, XII did look interesting and a couple of my friends really enjoyed it. It just didn't grab me enough to motivate me to play it.

I know I'm not reflective of all gamers, but I haven't been interested in FF since X and even that didn't really grab me. I guess it's just my changing tastes, but I got tired of the "feel" of the series which hasn't really felt fresh in a while.

@Torusan: Yeah, she definitely had similar mannerisms and the voice was very much like Aniston's. I agree...I don't think I'd want that either.

@AntF: On top of what Tobias said, you also don't have to worry about misplacing your memory stick, having your dog chew it up, or whatever.

@Paacman: If you would just write clearer, better thought out sentences, then this discussion could have ended several posts ago. It's not my fault that you originally responded with a snarky attitude and used only what you've heard as a basis to say I'm wrong and then wouldn't admit/couldn't remember what you

@Paacman: now you're at the point of desperation where you think arguing semantics will hide the fact that you made a dumb statement that you couldn't back up. Hahahahaha

@Paacman: This is a copy/paste from your post to make things as simple as possible for you.

@Paacman: Since, apparently, you don't remember what you actually said, go back and re-read your own post. You said that ONLY 360 fanboys complain about the PS3 analog placement.

@Paacman: Haha...all you did was provide some anecdotal theory about 360 fanboys (which I showed is easily dismissable). My point is that you're full of it and have no legitimate basis for your argument and you know it (not sure what how you proved me wrong in any form). Your "tl;dr" was classic because it proved

@Paacman: Thank you for proving my point (that you apparently didn't read).

@Paacman: Wow. That's amazing! You somehow know exactly what should and shouldn't bother me at all! Incredible!

@Paacman: It depends which buttons you'll be using the most. If you're primarily using the left thumb stick and the buttons, then your symmetry argument is completely invalid because your thumbs aren't resting in symmetrical positions. If you're primarily using both thumbsticks, then they are.