
@SotoSaki: Personally, I wish they'd do a Gargoyles level (you know, the 90's cartoon show). Disney owns the rights to that and it would be amazing.

As I am addicted to all things KH, this game is on my must buy list.

I'm super excited for this game. The first Dissidia got a ton of playtime from me and I'm not even finished. I just put it aside, beat the current game, and go back. I love it.

@Zenou: FF6 is a must must must must play. My friend who also started on FF7 and thought it was the greatest FF ever finally played FF6 after I lent it to him. He now thinks FF6 is much better than FF7 and I agree. :)

@robotomasher: How hard were the enemies you fought? Once you start fighting level 40+ enemies, you better know which moves to use and when and the best way to dodge and block. Certain moves left you vulnerable. Others didn't but weren't as powerful or as quick, etc.

Yeah, putting it on GetJar is all well in good IF GetJar can handle the traffic, which apparently it can't.

@Gyaruson 2.0: It was the challenge modes that taught me. I wanted to get 3 medals on every one and that's impossible if you mash.

@rymas1: Oh yeah. Once you got the fighting down, it was like performing in a ballet...a ballet that involved crushing ribs and snapping limbs. :)

@KilroyKilljoy: Yeah, I agree with that. The cut scenes from the demo were really good.

@stradric: Yes! A guy I work with referenced MG:Rising when we were both complaining about TFU2 demo. :)

@VXXXJesterXXXV: Yes, you're right. They do look similar. I've seen photos of Nolan North before.

@Nimsim: Agreed. I'd say early 30's at the youngest, maybe even 35 or so.

Oh yeah. I've been saying this since Uncharted 1. I can't help but believe that Nathan Drake was at least partially based on Fillion.

Anyone else play the demo? I was really excited for this game and I finished the demo with a giant 'meh' feeling. The demo actually convinved me not to buy the game full price...that doesn't happen often. haha

@Steven Ansell: Is there anything to stop someone from pre-ordering from Amazon, getting into the beta, and then canceling the pre-order later?

@Accordeon: Completely agreed. What better way to test out the new tools and see what can be done then by emulating existing games. Focus on the tools, not on the creativity. Once you have skill with the tools, then you create something more unique.

@thebrendan03: Why couldn't they have chosen someone else and made them awesome??? :)

@TheAku: Ok...I stand corrected. :)