
@aNiMeMaN14: That's what I said when I saw this. That would be really cool as well.

This is awesome, awesome news. I cannot wait for this. The only problem is that someone always has to be Dazzler (when we have 6 players) and no one likes Dazzler. No one.

@Hagane17: Your "point" is completely based on your opinion alone, which is exactly what I said in my last post. And obviously, I wasn't saying you argued that the stunt wasn't easier. I was reaffirming a main point. It's what you do in a discussion like this.

@Hagane17: Clearly you still don't understand my original comment even after the added emphasis. Did you even read my response? I acknowledged your comment in it.

@Hagane17: Try reading my comment again there, chief.

That was underwhelming. Congrats to the guy for winning, but I wouldn't have given him a top 10 spot. It didn't look that hard to do especially since you could easily retry over and over until you nailed it. There weren't any variables in play that had to be managed to make it work perfectly.

I was missing the Red vs. Blue reviews as I enjoyed the way you broke down the various things you liked and disliked, but I understand why you changed formats.

@jmsalal: That'd be awesome. I would gladly use a DS3 with my PSP.

They seem brighter. Maybe that's the issue you're having.

I'd have gone to that party...........if I had been invited. :'(

A demo system just seems like a basic idea for this kind of stuff. I know that I would personally be dropping major amounts of money if I could demo these games before purchasing. I'm at the point where I don't mind spending $10 on a fantastic game, but I'll get mad if I spend it and the game stinks.

@robpe36: Yeah...I think I'll have to go with that. haha

Blurgh! Now, this is going to come out around the same time as the new Batman game. I don't know what I'll buy first if they come out close together. ARGH!

@JustinPM: I think I'm going to decide based on launch or near-launch titles. If there are some must-haves, then I'll grab it right away.

@Ben Nadler: I play it alllllll the time. Right now I'm finishing up my replay of the 3rd Ace Attorney game and then I'm moving on to the latest Professor Layton. But I also own a DS Phat, so I could just use that in the time being.

My only problem with Nintendogs is that it's not a game that can played well on the crapper. Trust me. When someone hears you say "Come on, Mr. Fluffy. Time to play" from a stall, they tend to get the wrong idea.

@DoctorDynamite: Yeah, that's why I'm pondering it. I know I can get between $110-$120 for the DSi now, but I also know that there will be a 3DSLite eventually.

@sergio526: That's my #1 reason for waiting. My reason for not waiting is so that I can get a good price for my DSi.