just make the damn thing. price it about the same as the m3p and ev6 gt. theyre really gonna hurt until they get that georgia plant up and running as far as fed rebates.
just make the damn thing. price it about the same as the m3p and ev6 gt. theyre really gonna hurt until they get that georgia plant up and running as far as fed rebates.
“If you’re under 65 and have a paper boarding pass, I’m just going to assume you are going to cause delays during my airport experience,” one person tweeted.
I’ve never had the battery die on a piece of paper.
Can confirm last bit. Flew internationally recently and paper passes were required.
>Younger travelers posting on Twitter and Instagram mock passengers who insist on clutching pieces of paper. “If you’re under 65 and have a paper boarding pass, I’m just going to assume you are going to cause delays during my airport experience,” one person tweeted.
I love the NSX, but good luck finding a decent one under $70k.
The answer is Morgan. Might not be able to get a brand new Plus 4 for under $70k, but recent, new ones are there.
I don’t understand how anybody could consciously recline their seat and
not feel like they’re being a prick.
I’m 6'4. You recline more than an inch, you’re getting my kneecaps into your spine. Not because I’m an asshole; because that’s where my knees are when I sit down.
Wasn’t the original idea that it was just Obi-Wan who survived?
Except Han Solo has never heard of the jedi and thinks they’re a myth some 19 years after they were all over the galaxy. Still makes no sense.
I would have said hi but you know.
Fine with me. Sitting alone in a bar at 2pm on a Tuesday fits my misanthropic aesthetic perfectly.
Also, it has a an off-putting odor when you cook it.
Are “it tastes bland and it’s too expensive” part of the mix?
I get to sit down all day when I work. Factory workers often don’t. Is that morally wrong? I get to work in a relatively quiet, semi-private environment. Factory workers don’t. Is that morally wrong?
Private company 100% funded by public funds. Who do these nerds think they are? A sports stadium?
For everyday “sports sedans” driving around town, the Michelin Pilot Sports have the longest wear rating by a good margin and everything else is near second or first, with noise being its biggest weakness but we’re talking a difference of 0.9dB between first place and last place - turning on the radio pretty much…
Damn... It’s so gorgeous that I would’ve seriously considered buying in spite of not having a way to charge it at home nor easy access to hydrogen.
That’s too bad. I wouldn’t have bought one, but I would have been chuffed to see some around.