
Typically speaking, it is the moment at which a fetus is able to exist outside of the mother. Of course there are radicals on either side.

Could part of this be the fact that everyone sucked when starting out, it's just that before they weren't about to tweet/blog/facebook about how sucky they are and then find out how sucky others were?

That's good for you to think, but having actually talked to hundreds of women that have had abortions, that is not the case. Now remove the guilt forced on them by anti-choice zealots, I would assume that would become even less the case.

We think it's a tragedy that abortion counselling and referral services are offered on most campuses, but that housing, maternity coverage, telecommuting options, and childcare are not.

Lots of men are not fans of blood clots and blood in general, I know I wouldn't be if I were a dude.

you can try to stop listening to them

RE: the psychological effects of abortion.

Considering our rain barrels are used wine barrels that we purchased at $40 a pop, plus staining costs, plus plumbing costs... we will never break even. That being said, they sure do look nice and we can feel smug about it!

During the Spring/Summer/Fall we divert all of our water from the furnace/ac out to our rain barrels. It was easy to do, but I'm not sure how cost effective it was.

These people.

I've know quite a few bad people IRL, and their minions were almost always low IQ, easily seduced by money and had a bit of a drug problem. I would imagine it would similar in the comic book world.

We met a new couple last night and had an EXCELLENT time, here's to hoping that they don't turn out to be some crazy Conservatives... We've had that happen enough!

I was coming here to say the exact same thing. It is PERFECT for what we need it to do.

No need to collect Godwin points on this discussion. The US has a history up into the 20th century of doing this exact thing.

I do one better. I call the cops.

Uh, the stat is 1/10,000 in one's lifetime, and I assumed from the language being used in the document is talking about one's lifetime as well. Instead of using that quote they should have been more clear. However, now having read the full document instead of just the statement that they make on page 4., I think this

The fact that they made did not include an exemption does make it look like discriminatory legislation. There should be some kind of grace period, but it is good to see that they are not charging for this ID.