
How much is it in your state to receive a voter ID card? In the video posted by @SuperStella, it is stated that in Tennessee it is free.

That article talks about convictions, not acts. Could you imagine if we went off of rape convictions only when talking about those statistics?

That's good piece, but i do find it interesting that one's lifetime the odds of being struck by lightening are 1/1000, and in a country of 311,591,917 people, that means that means that 311 531 people will commit voter fraud in their lifetime, right?

women, young people, people of color, and immigrants seem to loathe Republican policies

My husband's go to line is start asking women about their breast implants and their type, etc. People would be amazed at what works and what doesn't.

I'm sure a phone could, but wouldn't having it running an app like that during all waking hours really gobble up your battery life?

From what I understand it typically includes the base of the shaft, the scrotum and the butt crack. All of which do have a natural crease, which would make the transition from hair to no hair more 'natural'.

I know several guys that are insecure about discoloration from their botched circumcisions that would probably be down for such a product.

I've always referred to them as cum gutters, good thing there is a more acceptable term!

I'm not sure if you've watched much porn, but all shapes/sizes/colors/hairstyles are represented in any mainstream porn that I have watched.

We have the VPN option on Synology DiskStation. Maybe this is something my husband should look into this weekend.

When President Obama wins again, I can't wait to point out that the god of black liberation theology must be the real god after all.

Some people do it for attention, some do it out of boredom, while others may do it because it turns them on.

Part of the problem with your statement is that it's not just some rogue individuals, it is the entire Catholic church from the Pope down that partakes either actively or passively in the rape of children. And the tithing that the members make goes, in part, to cover up those incidents and to pay off whomever they

What about the comfort of the children that are currently being raped because of the Catholic church? Doesn't their not leaving the church, and actively supporting it, both financially and through attendance, kind of make them less than good people?

The kitty has obviously learned from her human captors, and is raising the chick to its full potential before having a delicious dinner.

That would be true if one could simply leave their country, which you can't. Whereas one can simply go to a different church.

Catholic and good, honest people just following their faith, and I really don't like the generalized "all Catholics are terrible" tone

I'm glad that I'm not the only one that looks out for that part. It is the highlight of the film.