
I need to add that on my queue, I haven't seen it in ages.

Maybe they don't like to be lumped together with certain other men?

I have been waiting for followup on this story for two and a half years now. Thank you @Lou Montulli , I can finally sleep well tonight!

C'mon guys, your scraping

We already did years ago.

The thing is, the Church has been that ways since before you were even a twinkle in your parents' eyes... it's not your church, it's the Vatican's, always has been, always will be. It's more effective to vote with your wallet and your feet and tithe somewhere else.

It really was. It is absolutely brilliant and under appreciated.

I wasn't aware of the coalition in the 80s, that does make sense. I guess they went with "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", as most of the Baptists I know don't even consider Catholics real Christians.

My husband are both guilty. Luckily for us the top 10 people we text appreciate naked pics and sexts.

Glenn Beck this morning... hear me out... was theorizing that the Catholic church is going to tear itself in half if President Obama is re-elected. I don't doubt that this is possible.

Have you seen The Descent?

I live in Eastern Washington, near Hanford. There are lots of jobs in the agribusiness industry, nuclear research, education and service. Housing is very cheap, the 15 year mortgage on our 3000sq ft 5 bedroom house is only $1100 a month.

Have you considered moving? Maybe ask your parents for money to move instead of subsidizing your current situation?

I would suggest that women are much closer to this than men are. Take a walk in any sex shop and you'll find any number of mechanical devices that whirl, twirl and vibrate in an attempt to bring women to orgasm.

That's a good question, and should/can be left in the world of philosophy, because in the real world there is no possible way guarantee that every living human has equal access to equal facilities withing equal distances. That is why, imo, the cute of time should err towards the later end of the spectrum vs. right at

physical location and access to medical

To a lot of people, myself included, there is a big difference between being able to physically exist and being able to survive.

Nowhere did I say bigot, if you are going to use quotes, at least use them correctly. I said zealot, those words are completely different, and zealot is quite appropriate in this context.