
I hear she was :) I was very tempted to say 'As you can see I am, I hope you are with your special needs child'. Alas, calmer heads prevailed.

My husband replied 'Good thing I married young, having kids would cramp my lifestyle'

From what I recall of other Leibovitz shoots it seems to be her thing... kinda lazy if you ask me.

No they wouldn't, it's been that way at schools for years, and yes, it was a big deal when schools started offering laptops with their tuition, just as it was a big deal when they started offering podcasts and iPods with tuition.

Comment on a photo on my facebook profile of us out dancing

I couldn't agree more, my Yorkies stay nice and calm in their bag with the top closed and no one is the wiser. We were in a podunk town on Monday and when I was getting them into their bag to go to the grocery store an employee saw me, and said 'you know, we're not in a big city and more, you don't have to keep the

So very cute! I found a home for the little tuxedo kitten we found under my car last weekend... now I'm starting to think about fostering kittens on a regular basis.

Have you ever been to a bbq with friends, family and swinger friends?? Yeah, that's pretty funny and skeletons come out of the closet pretty quick.

Ron Paul.

Yup, just look at braces if you want to see where it's going.

You started off with just not as awful as they usually do (in my opinion) and then followed up with the only boob job I actually got to see topless was owned by a french woman. I'm curious how you know whether or not a woman has implants or not, I know several women with very large natural breasts that sit higher and

There are many reasons why a woman would want implants other than their profession, and I am not sure when the became a requirement... I take it you don't spend too much time at strip clubs/watching porn/with sex workers, so your opinion on that matter is not based in any reality.

Of course we do, we have a composting toilet, I highly recommend it!

The cost of living between both BC and WA are very similar, having lived in both for several years. Groceries may cost a bit more, but let's compare doctor bills sometime.

Imagine that, you didn't like a job, so you decided to go somewhere else!

Of course, though I do make sure to harvest all seeds and plant them along the rode on my daily 5 mile walk to the farmer's market for locally sourced produce.

I actually have my children doing the bike riding right now, as I am busy making organic salad from lettuce the my husband just picked from our garden (that we use our own bio organic material to fertilize).

It's a good thing I make sew own clothing from cotton and wool that I source from a fair trade farm down the street. In addition to that my friend has a small forest that surrounds his cob house where we cut down the trees and make furniture from scratch using hand tools.

See above.