
Never seen Reservoir Dogs?

I have never heard of that and have lived in both states.

Wait a while, Gregory A. Butler will be here to let you know.

In Washington and British Columbia (the two places I travel the most) it businesses can not pay less than min wage (and every server/bartender I know) make well over min wage before tips.

This is not true in all States, and is 100% not the case in countries like Canada, but you are expected to tip the same amount in those places.

They can always learn to type if they don't get paid enough.

That's the opposite of my experience, leave a honking tip one night and you will always get strong drinks, never wait in line or pay cover charge again.

Bar tipping pro-tip, always start a tab, and then tip at the end of the night.

From what I understand you aren't supposed to tip at the salon if the person doing your work is the owner. Is that true?

Don't tip, simple.

I'm not sure, but I listen to a radio station out of Colorado Springs, and from the sounds of it there are LOTS of illegals living there, so the food must be good!

Rental here is bizarre, we were in a one bedroom apt fro 830/month... it doesn't make any sense.

Eastern Washington, 3000 sq ft, 5 bedroom 2 bath 875/month :)

Thank very much for that article, I have always found the Christian Right's obsession with Israel fascinating/problematic and it helped articulate thoughts that had been bouncing around in my head.

Without a doubt, yes.

Now playing

Maybe the problem was he wasn't using Right Guard?

It's not decapitated, it's a mask of his formerly unkept self.

Now playing

You copy the full URL, not the shortened url :)

Do we get to be outraged because these men are a. hairless, b. spend countless hours working out to achieve a certain ideal and c. helping promote the use of steroids amongst young men?

Both ads are meant to offend and shame men into looking 'civilized' or that they 'give a damn'.