
I actually thought she did a great job of sharing a lot about herself without revealing inappropriate amounts about anyone else— she talks about how her divorce made her feel without saying anything bad about Will Arnett, for instance, and I thought that was really classy. And the story about her apologizing to that


Ah ok. I didn't realize Gawker Media was running so low on bandwidth they had to start rationing letters 6 at a time.

Idiotic voting-ID law aside, I like that Texas allows you to vote at literally any polling location within your county. You don't have to go to "your" polling location. I'm not sure if other states do that (I've lived in four other states in the past decade, and you had to go to your assigned polling place, which was

The million dollar question.

I'm glad people are proud of voting, because I just went in there uninformed and left feeling like I should have done fifteen minutes of research. Half the questions were stuff I knew nothing about and left blank, like "Should Talizabeth Goodpussy stay on the Utah Supreme Court?" It never ever occurred to me that Utah

No, he just moved, so there's no reason he should know where to vote. But that's why a talk show host has an assistant; both a personal one and one at the show, I'm sure. One of them surely could have spent several minutes online or on the phone and found out the answer.

It's taken me a combination of spironolactone, oral BC, Retin-A, and a special Rx face wash to cure mine, all used religiously. Needless to say it's a bitch.


Eeeeeee aiiiiiiii noooo. There are a lot of prescription acne meds that have gone generic over the years and aren't priced at crazy high rates. Or get the super cheap, super good Neutrogena retinol.

Peelitzer Prizeweeing Urinalism.

Yep. Every time some asks me about a used BMW/MB/Audi now, I steer them towards a used Infiniti/Lexus/Acura. I've tried to explain to people so many times that "looking baller" on a budget is a bad idea, so now I'm just minimizing damage. The 3 Japanese luxury brands are pretty reliable overall, even if parts costs

Yes. There are 1 year olds who could do that. But if you were to ask me which is the more likely scenario: a 1 year old putting pebbles in her vagina immediately followed by the moment a 7 year old coincidentally decided to look at her sister's vagina OR a 7 year old lying about having put pebbles in her 1 year old

Pretty much. Funny how there is no mention of Lena dressing up her 5 year old sister as a Hells Angel sex toy as she posted on instragram or of 17 year old Lena masterbating herself while her sister slept nearby or of Lena grooming her sister by bribing her with candy or even of Lena outing her sister and removing her

"Thanks for the ride, Muhammed."

I can hate both because they're equally detestable.

Jordan is trash-talking, which is a whole nother art form. It's like using a baseball bat instead of a scalpel - but that's not something Jordan would know much about.