Honest to gob, some of the men that I’m the most frustrated with during the whole #metoo movement are gay men. I’ve got a few gay colleagues who think that being gay gives them a pass on the shitty way they treat women and I. am. over. it.
Honest to gob, some of the men that I’m the most frustrated with during the whole #metoo movement are gay men. I’ve got a few gay colleagues who think that being gay gives them a pass on the shitty way they treat women and I. am. over. it.
It’s so crazy how some people don’t respond well to a random “hey tell me if you’ve ever been sexually assaulted!”
But, on the bright side, we’ve managed to make #metoo about putting women on the spot and make them uncomfortable in fun new ways. It was the natural endgame.
The bigger issue here seems to be why you feel entitled to her answers, and why you think that she should have to talk about Matthew Weiner just because she has spoken out about sexism in the past.
I feel like male actors get to make a LOT more than 2 critically meh/financially unsuccessful movies before people start questioning whether their careers are over or ruined. Especially if that actor’s resume includes being the lead in a successful franchise and an Oscar win (among three other nominations). Jennifer…
Never have I seen so appropriate a use of an Oatmeal comic for a situation that wasn’t about grammar.
Yeah no, this is not on Spirit. This woman has something seriously wrong with her if she actually flushed a living creature down a toilet, there were many, many other options. Jesus fucking christ.
It’s entirely possible that sex work has also been a responsible choice for her. No paps, less booze, and a steady income in Dubai. Maybe she’s got a group of sex worker friends who have helped her take better care of herself, taught her how to better screen clients and set terms, save money, always work on the exit…
Literally the opposite. These comments are disgusting.
Aww, leave her alone, you guys. I never in my wildest imaginings thought I would be a Lindsey Lohan apologist in my old age, but she had such a shitty childhood with those parents, and then no one to steer her in the right direction once she broke free. All she knew was the crap she’d had since she was little. If…
Yes it’s so funny that a woman may be a sex worker. Ha ha ha. I usually like your comments but come on dude.
You guys are gross idiots. She’s there because paparazzi isn’t legal in Dubai and excessive drinking isn’t as rampant there as it is in America. She’s trying to stay sober and lead a healthy life. I think the move overseas was a responsible choice. I can’t get on board with the disgusting rumors.
On a related note, I feel genuinely sorry for all my friends and neighbors who feel the need to drink wine just to get through the day with their families. Like, I get it. Ha, ha. So funny that your wine box is your adult juice box.
I don’t know if this makes me a terrible person, but I can’t read anymore of these stories. Without a doubt I’m happy these famous women feel safe enough to talk about their experiences and are receiving support. But it’s also kind of disheartening when I compare that to my own experience. Yes, I know people want to…
He’s using Shadowcat’s ability to phase into walls and hide as more and more accusers hit people near him.
Yeah, how the fuck is that happening?
It’s not so much the rules that’s the risk but the lack of financial and cultural clout that others have.
white devils