
not a big deal at all except for tone. The Big Bang was first theorized by Fr. Georges Lemaitre, a Jesuit priest and given the blessing of the pope almost immediately. In the midfifties the pope said that there's was no reason a catholic couldn't except Darwinism. Pope John Paul II said there was no debate and that

They highlighted his Islamaphobic statements but the petition includes lots of other shitty things he's said, too.

Her credibility as arbiter of shade should never be questioned again.

shade within an article about shade? I love it.

Albanians are closer to Turks in ethnicity, yeah. They are their own ethnic group though. They are mostly Muslim and are culturally quite different from their Balkan neighbors.

She's Kosovar-Albanian. Possibly some Turk in her ancestry?

Obviously, you've never actually been there. It's Fanny Pack Central.


Erm, he is covered by US law as he is in the custody of the US. And if you weren't busy wiping your ass with nation's laws, you'd know that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights does not apply to citizens exclusively.

And considering that people have been "detained" at GITMO for 14+ years with no charge whatsoever,

We try Kara, God knows we blue Texans try - but damn gerrymandering makes it nearly impossible, even if we have the numbers.

If it was me and my boyfriend, the sentiment would be similar, but more for the fact that he knows that Mr. President CAN GET IT.

You are reading a judgement that I promise isn't there.

My 90 year old grandma heard me complaining to my sister about my now 30 year old boobs. She said, "I wish I had the tits I had at 30. Hell, I wish I had the tits I had at 60! And when I'm a hundred I'll probably wish I had the tits I had at 90."

Cool. I'll assume you read this article, then, which discusses improvements to work/life balance for everyone, including childless workers.

It's a little confusing to me that Facebook and Apple's move to cover egg freezing is getting this same "but it's not enough!" cry from everyone when they already offer other great benefits for parents:

"Facebook already provides four months of paid paternity and maternity — same-sex couples included — and $4,000 in

I once - and this is not an exaggeration - went on an OkCupid date with a guy who spoke in an Australian accent the entire time and told me he was from Perth (like literally had an entire life's story centered around being from there). The next time I saw him, he spoke in an American accent and apologized for

Febreeze is passe? Who decides this? Why didn't I get the memo?