Or just tuck the string up into the folds of your vulva for that two minutes, idk. Seems like a waste of a tampon!
Or just tuck the string up into the folds of your vulva for that two minutes, idk. Seems like a waste of a tampon!
I Hope someday if you become ill with something deadly and contagious your nurse can live out your logical approach to life. She can refuse to care for you so she'll be free from your germs and still able to take her plane trip she paid for and requested off for weeks in advance. seems like a far simpler approach!!…
Do you have any idea the type of shit a nurse often has to deal with and then still has to go home, to the grocery store, etc. I mean, shit, they're only people with families it's not like we can put them in their own camp. /sarcasm
You know, I'm beginning to suspect that Dr. Luke might not even be a real doctor.
Again unclear on why any of this precludes a person from being sexually assaulted.
I'm gonna watch it, but just for a couple of seconds. I swear.
"she was obviously sick on Friday, before the fever kicked in, so all the passengers on that flight need to be checked out as well."
OK. She should not have flown, this was a failure on the part of the CDC in a humiliating and frightening fashion. Hindsight 20/20 and all that. But some of this is just blatantly contradicting the facts.
"So Vinson didn't know she was definitively ill when she headed to Cleveland, nor did she know for sure that there was a problem when she was given the go-ahead from the CDC. Fine. But she knew she was at risk of contracting Ebola from the second she first laid eyes on Duncan, and as a medical professional she knew…
I would imagine that this nurse was given all manner of assurances by her employer that it was perfectly safe to be taking care of Duncan and that she had nothing to worry about. she called the CDC and they told her to go ahead and fly. in hindsight, it's easy to criticize, but when you are told over and over again by…
I think the hospital and CDC protocols failed here. I am not willing to blame this woman, who very well could have a death sentence. We keep hearing how difficult it is to get Ebola because it's not airborne. We keep hearing that the media is fear-mongering.
in these days of bitter partisan politics,
Well, it's also fair to note that African countries, which are rich in resources but poor in government, have suffered under repeated invasion and pillaging from Western Imperialist nations, leaving them crippled in a way that has prevented them from developing as Western nations were able to.
I wish George had changed his last name to Alamuddin instead. Or hyphenated it.
George Clooney-Alamuddin.
*Huge generalization coming your way* Could be the Arab thing. I'm an Arab and basically I have the same brows. I have 4 sisters and all have perfect brows. Perk of being hairy ;)
Her family contacted WFAA (the ABC affiliate in DFW) with her name and pictures. I'm not sure what their reasoning was, but my guess was they wanted to be in charge of the narrative and humanizing her in the face of the "breach of protocol" + "dangerous foreigners putting us all in danger!" elements of the coverage.
That first bit. Oil companies got huge benefits from the government to start: now the Republicans want to deny those same benefits to solar, wind, tidal, etc. Its just shockingly daft.
With respect, centuries of strife is a big exaggeration. I'm not trying to troll, but it was 1 country prior to the 1947 partition. And Muslims and Hindus in India had a pretty peaceful relationship prior to that all things considered given the centuries of coexistence they had together.