
Is it possible that he slept for an hour or two, felt slightly better, then let his friends/entourage/whatever drag him out to a karaoke bar? Sometimes a little sleep is all you need to feel 35% better.

Yessss @ Tinashe's album. I was skeptical a little bit but it's been on repeat ever since she started streaming it last week. "Aquarius" & "Bet" have been on permanent repeat.

Because if there is one thing Texas needs, it's less news sources.

I love new music, but get so overwhelmed finding it. This column is a godsend.

Thank you. Jez should know better after readers called them out over Amanda Bynes.

He truly is the Daniel Day Lewis of obnoxious baby brats.

Meeeee toooooo!!!!!

well, it's not about "substantial burden" in terms of time and effort. It's substantial burden on their religion, so even a one-line form that read "put an x here to opt out" would be a substantial burden, they would argue. This article kinda missed the point.

YAY!!! A real, honest-to-God Science writer! Jezebel, you have answered our collective prayers!!!

Schizophrenia, probably.

If you fly enough, I highly recommend getting your preferred airline credit card. I pay $100 a year for the American card and $85 a year for the U.S. airways card and they pay for themselves several times over for checked bag fees. Not to mention bonus miles.

Seconded. I understand why she's leaving, though. Being passed over for an outside candidate with less experience says a lot about your ability to move up in the organization.

Jesus Hussein Fuck, what is happening here?

Working at Jezebel, in other words, was a dream I didn't know I could even feasibly have.

WE WILL MISS YOU (also now I can confess that I think you should totally buy the dress for your rabbit)

I'm Team Jamie but if I would also not mind consoling the fuck out of Frank in that stone circle, if you know what I mean.

Hahah I love Angus and Rupert. Those idiots are the best comic relief. :D

I seriously screamed with glee when wee Roger came onscreen!

1. I was really hoping that we would learn more about the back story of one of the characters back in 1743 from this "Sally." I really really can't talk about it b/c it'll spoil things for future seasons slash the end of this season. I wish they could have at least INTIMATED about this character. Gr.