
That last part is what really elevates his show. He makes people laugh, informs them in the process, and then very regularly gives them something concrete to do with their outrage. That last bit is something that most awareness campaigns that play it straight don't manage.

OMG OMG OMG - my very bestest friend (well he's actually just an acquaintance but whatever) met Leo Di Caprio at the UN Climate Change Conference and they talked for abut 30 minutes and he said he was the nicest person there and super chill and he got a pic with him and, and, and . . . he totally forgot to hand over

I am just loving his show. He really fucking nails it when, after tearing down the mysteries behind the "biggest provider of scholarships for women" numbers, he shows us how fucking pathetic that is and, as we see here, calls for us to donate to other organizations.

Tyler Perry is having a kid.

No one's going to rush to pay my bail if I ever get arrested.

Dodai you are killing me with this today. Between the Outlander thread and this I might just need to go home early today.

All HP fans are now going to be checking in on Bruce.

so much about this post is important to me. my god callie, you are my number one treasure.

Surgery aside, let's see if you're the person you used to be almost 40 years from now. :)

This is Bruce right now:

No one teaches the journalism majors not to single source articles with inflammatory allegations. Also no one teaches them to call the subject for comment.

How great would it be if a bunch of African filmmakers and actors got together, shot a movie set in Slovenia during WWII and the subsequent years under Stalin, and called in "Europe"?

There is always the option to name the film something completely different. "Africa" and "Kenya" aren't the only two options.

Just so you're aware, Dr. Richard Leakey (on whom the story is based) although African and Kenyan by birth and upbringing, is actually a white man (by British extraction).

There is a gloriously cranky woman in Philadelphia who has a bra fitting place and it's the only place I buy bras now. I walked in for the first time and she took one look at my chest and shouted "NO! At least two sizes wrong! Get in the changing room right now!"

+1,000,000 she is now my fave writer on the site

Kara, you have been fucking killing it. Thank you and don't stop. It's absolutely appreciated.

Afterwards my husband was like "So awkward!" And I just said "...yeah. Stupid..." while replaying the scene in my head over and over.

Needs more "Pony"

My fave part was when Danny was playing Frozen on the piano when he was sad.