
I find their move to have customers photograph themselves in the clothes is GENIUS. I just find another plus size gal, or a regular size gal with at least similar shape to me (broad, very boob-endowed) and I can actually get a sense of how it will work. I have yet to have ModCloth do wrong by me, but I've also yet to

Can we just get ModCloth to start making stand alone plus sized stores? Please? I want to go try on some jeans that don't wear out in like 3 months because Lane Bryant. I am so so sick of Lane Bryant, and so unable to shop anywhere else. I know every other plus size lady feels me here.

It's gonna happen! Finally they're so gonna bone!

Totally depends on the guy. I was hesitant about introducing the series to Mr Wasps, but then I remembered he loves Richard Curtis films (no judgment, please!) so I figured he'd cope. And he did. All I have to do now is convince him — an Englishman — to STFU about the history of the time (just watch the show, dammit!)

Seriously, I was waiting for the Jezebel recap. I had to get my, more thoughtful, rocks off at the io9 recap.

Yeah, promotes it in the unlikely event you get thrown through a time warp and predate your own birth, let alone your own marriage.

I'm missing something. Does your boyfriend watch GOT, because that show is full of adultery. And who the heck is complaining online that Outlander is promoting adultery?

My husband and I started watching the series together before any of us knew what could possibly be coming in the future. I picked up the book right after the first episode and finished it in a few days.

Depends on the dude and his taste. My best guy friend has been watching it, even though his wife decided it was too slow and that she wasn't interested. It's very much a story about a woman that was written by a woman, but there's politics and history in there in addition to the love interest arc. Someone who doesn't

Honest question: Is this a show that a dude would sit through? I am looking for a new series for me and Mr. Tart to start watching but this always strikes me as pretty girly show that maybe I would enjoy more on my own. Thoughts?

K. So I was totally not expecting to like this show. I binge watched all the eps until now last night and EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Oy vey, profound missing of the point, online articles! Tell your bf it's about TRUUUUEE LOOOOOVVVEE (and sex and violence and battles and gorgeous panoramic views)

*Sigh* I am jealous. I really wanted to watch this with my boyfriend (it has a sort of Game of Thrones feel to it, do ya ken) but he read articles online about how it "promotes adultery" and now won't touch it with a ten foot pole.

And it needs to be in the show because until that moment her take on the situation is one step above a living history project - and she's not even aware of it .

Yesterday's episode was so good, but I'm definitely sad we didn't get even a smidgeon of Angus action. I lurve me some Angus!

I also noticed Black Jack's weird lip twitch and that fact that when he was doing something HORRIBLE it became more and more pronounced. Almost like a biting/nibbling or sucking of his lips for pleasure. IT FREAKED ME THE HELL OUT!

Don't get me wrong. This was a very well done episode. Absolutely brilliant. But all of Black Jack's lines are absolutely sickening, and I don't know if I can handle it again.

My husband watches this show with me, and by watches I mean he's usually idly scrolling through tumblr while I squirm with perpetual giddy glee. Midway through the whipping scene, the iPad was forgotten on the floor, along with his jaw. His only comment came after the punch to the gut, when he turned to me and said

ERM, who is a Dougal fan exactly?

This week was hard to watch, but watching the differences between Frank and Jack was very interesting. (And well done! I'm very pleasantly surprised by the actor and the TV series including more of Frank.)