This x100. The M&L series is one of the best in all of gaming.
This x100. The M&L series is one of the best in all of gaming.
Oh snap, right from this site too. Thanks for the link.
A fair point, but as a generic-looking white dude myself, I always gravitate against playing characters that look like me; I just find it more interesting. I also like testing the versatility of the character creation engine and making characters that look utterly dissimilar from mainstream American leading-man…
Say what you will, this archetype is extremely common in AAA games; CoD, Gears, Dead Space, Max Payne, Rage, Mass Effect (if you use generic maleshep, which based on the vast majority of ME Youtube videos, a disappointing number of gamers do). The exceptions you listed, a couple of which were from the last gaming…
Probably you!
Fair point. A real Alien game would basically be Amnesia: Dark Descent in space. Now that is unequivocally the scariest game I have ever played. It was so disturbing that I actually couldn't finish it.
Agreed about the takedown animations; it's true that they're action-movie stupid, but the most baffling element is that the non-lethal takedowns are noisy as hell, yet mechanically make no sound as far as the bad guys are concerned. So you can take down a guy literally two inches away from his buddy and he won't…
Ouch, 19 tries! That's brutal. Were you playing on Hard? I typically stick to Normal in most games unless reviews indicate Normal is exceptionally dull.
I agree, they sucked. My point was that they were a minor roadblock (~10 sucky minutes in a 20-hour game) in an otherwise great experience. I've played through DE:HR twice and have almost entirely positive memories. If they'd included a stealth option for each boss fight; e.g. sneak around avoiding the boss's…
I hadn't heard this; how exactly do you outsource JUST a boss fight? They weren't anything special so it's a little perplexing to think an outside company would be brought in for that reason alone.
I'm betting after A:CM utterly flops on current consoles, it will be pulled for the Wii U. No point in spending the extra money to push out a known non-starter on a console with a tiny install base and even smaller FPS demand.
Hmm, what exactly do you mean about DE:HR? Are you implying the entire game sucked just because of the boss fights? The entire game is fantastic and well-built, the story is great, and the boss fights make total sense in the plot; the problem is that they didn't give a route for hack-built or stealth-built characters.…
Knee was actually slapped; literally, not metaphorically. Well done.
Right, she has a different scapegoat in mind.
It's cool that Nancy is whiteknighting for video games; this is rare among elderly politicians, most of whom haven't seen a video game since their millenial grandkids showed them Sonic the Hedgehog back in 1992, and I think most old people assume all modern video games are basically Hostel with the player as torturer.
Bahahahaha. (<- The sound I just made, causing several people in my office to look at me oddly)
Oh, I don't have any beef with EGM. They can like whatever they like.
Yeah yeah, opinions. I actually think the games are both objectively really good (hence the unanimous critical acclaim) for the reasons any game is good; well-crafted, a lot of breadth but the depth is optional, quality story and varied environments.
If you don't think Ben Croshaw is funny anymore, you need to watch his reviews of bad games, not just mediocre AAA titles.
If the reviews were 30-40-50-60-70-80-90 you'd have a point, but EGM's is literally the only positive review.