the KRIS

What trouble, though? This social stigma behind geekdom is largely media-driven; geeks are about as likely as anybody to be lucky or unlucky in love. Anecdote is anecdotal, but every late 20s/early 30s geek I know (around 50 people off the top of my head) is happily married or in a long term relationship. The only

Seriously, like nails on a chalkboard. I guess we're snobs.

I'm almost certain you can turn off enemy tagging in options. They would then only glow if you used a tracker syringe or scanned them with the camera.

Kirk's brought up this gripe a couple times and I just don't get it. FC3 has one of the most minimalist UIs I've seen in an FPS in a while. During the vast majority of exploration, the only indicator on screen is the minimap, with an ammo indicator while in combat. Objectives only pop up briefly then go away. A tiny

You're probably right - in most levels hitting mold is a death sentence so I restarted every time I dug out a gap into it.

**I'd imagine

Beat it in about ten minutes last night. Great as always from the Where's My... folks. Levels are a bit on the easy side, except the Swampy wreath puzzle which requires such precision that I'm imagine it would be nearly impossible on an iPhone - it took me five tries even on an iPad.

I saw the latter, very cool! Love that about Kotaku comments, the authors and even devs are often quite involved. My post started out as a reply to yours and then I decided it really was a completely separate (and almost off-topic) question.

For some reason, despite being a massive Marathon addict in high school, my brain converted the title to "A Bungee Walking Stick," which made me picture some sort of bungee-cord-based pogo stick. My concern grew when I read in the article that it was for the aid of a gentleman with Parkinsons, and then I felt

Hang on, your first choice there is a totally different creature. Profanity =/= slurs. Racial and sexual slurs are on a whole different plane of rhetoric because of the history of violence, oppression, beating, lynching, and murder of minorities that sits alongside them. I don't use them and my daughter won't be

I disagree completely, Penny Arcade and George Carlin are both great examples of extremely cerebral, verbose discourse peppered with paint-peeling profanity. It's a great contrast.

Santa's a totally different issue - we're not pushing the myth, but we're going to remain completely tacit on his existence because we don't want our kid being the brat running around making four year olds cry by telling them "Santa is a delusion pushed on us to drive commercial consumption!" (Even if it's true) The

"Kid's are parrots, with eerily good (tho somewhat jumbled, like a knocked over filing cabinet) memories" This is fantastic. <3

So there's at least a couple comments here with kids discussing the "language" in this film, and there seems to be some concern about their kids' exposure to profanity. I'm curious to hear some opinions from parents (or otherwise) on this issue. I'm personally a dad with a toddler and I'm not planning to shelter her

RickMoranisface~Pugface. It's uncanny!

+1! More work for my favorite voice actor Jim Cummings. (<3 Minsc in Baldur's Gate, among thousands of others)

As with any licensed game, I could care less about the setting/IP compared to the gameplay. E.g. is it FUN? We shall see!

Disagree. It's repeatable, neverending IAP that sucks. There's nothing wrong with giving the app for free as a demo and essentially "selling" the rest of the game for a set price - it just means you're not splitting your game into two apps on the store. The jaw-droppingly-badass Ghost Trick used IAP to purchase the

Absolutely do it. Wario Land 2 & 3 are among the best platformers Nintendo has ever released.

What do you mean by "don't get the bit?" Are you referring to this specific article? Because if so, you must be right! I don't catch anything to "get," it seems like a straight-up rant.