
Since his costume was Karl Malone, how about asking Karl Malone if he was offended? He wasn't imitating you or any other black person. There were no general "racial stereotypes" in this costume. You certainly have the right to be offended if you want, but this doesn't really seem to be about you.

Kids wear jerseys all the time. Do you consider all of them to be "in costume"?

I agree with you, but I'm white.

Dave Matthews is one of the few literal "African-Americans".

I agree with you, the headlines "blackface" makes it sound like he's doing some minstrel show routine, shuckin' and jivin' with watermelons and fried chicken or something. It's part of a COSTUME, for crying out loud! Everybody has the right to be offended by anything, but I can't understand anybody finding this

Chris Rock :"You want a cookie???"

Answer: The DVR was invented.

Peppiest gang signs ever :)

You just made those schools up.

I agree and you're pretty nifty for using the word "nifty".

there are NASCAR fans in Boston?

losing to Duke is always doubly bad for vt fans because most of them are UNC basketball fans

Fair enough, I guess, but do you feel the same way about anybody who bets on football?

The only thing worse is having to lug IKEA shelves from NoVa to Raleigh. Or maybe AIDS.

yeah, it looks like there are only 38 in the United S of A.

a. I just did, it didn't really have anything to do with what you said. Why did you feel the need to randomly talk trash about 2 states that have nothing to do with this story?

And so? I was just pointing out something that people may not realize about that area, since gang violence is usually associated with urban areas.

This is why poor people are poor. They eat garbage like rhubarb pie.

Belle Glade is actually a rural agricultural (sugarcane) community.

Granted I haven't been to a HS game in Miami but I have been to a Muck Bowl (Glades Central vs Pahokee, for those of y'all not familiar) at Belle Glade a few years ago and I had to go through a metal detector AND be "wanded" by a cop searching for weapons before I was allowed in to the game. I stood out a little bit