
as a resident of the city of this verdict, the song I’m reminded of is...

it’s actually a prequel so you’ll be fine

Chocolate Honeys Go Down On Wet Latinas does nothing for me, I’m really just into wet Latinas going down on chololate honeys so I guess I’ll watch the Super Bowl.

you’re leaving out a campus coffee shop beheading

I choose to believe that if MLK were alive today he would have more important things to do than be #MadOnline

gets more clicks this way

former FSU player De’Cody Fagg is not sympathetic

Fun geography fact: Atlanta is actually in Georgia.

At least this happened before a lot of people have picked their fantasy football team names for this season!

Kind of like if you’re watching a football game and you’re watching your team’s WR running for a game winning TD and out of the corner of your eye you see a brutal block and it takes a few seconds to realize “Oh shit, that free safety’s not getting up!”

I think (most, at least) were cheering Dale Jr winning before it was clear what else was happening. I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt.

In fairness to them I think most of the ones with cheering reactions were focused on Dale Jr’s car winning before the wreck happened. I was watching at home and I was focused on his car and pumped my fist too before I realized what had taken place behind him. Then I saw the wreck but really didn’t realize how serious

Well NASCAR makes the crew radio channels available during the races on their website. I don’t think it should take the place of commentators but it’s there if you want to listen to it all race. Most of the time it’s not as exciting as that but it is interesting.

I don’t think it had anything to do with the time. These things happen, especially at Daytona. I don’t mean cars flying airborne but these types of wrecks and this one just happened in the way that it did because of the physics involved.

Definitely, he’s always seemed like a genuinely nice down to Earth guy, especially for being the sport’s “golden boy”. I think anybody, even if you’re not a NASCAR fan, would enjoy hanging out with him and having a few beers.

I watched it live and you could tell he was visibly shaken, even after he had heard Dillon was ok.

that wasn’t Junior saying that, I think that was his crew chief

I assume it was because I’ve always heard not to move somebody that could have a neck injury unless you know what you’re doing. Since these were just pit crew guys and there wasn’t immediate danger like the car being on fire or something it would probably be wise to wait for trained medical people to get there before

You did not spit water through your nose. I’m calling bullshit.

Yeah, the parking lot looks pretty empty so I think the truck guy was an asshole, but then the BWM guy took it to a whole unnecessary criminal level with the bat.