
Do you guys need a trigger warning or something? How can I make you feel safe again?

I agree with you completely that sending kids to Guantanamo Bay would be gratuitous and unnecessary but here we are

Good news... You aren’t required to follow anyone and can block other people.

Obviously a white driver or the outcome would have been different and faster

Because Klipsch makes speakers for music and Jabra makes speakers for sound. QED. 

Wait, we’re suppose to tip hotel housekeeping staff now? When did this start? Has this always been a thing?

If you went from 3 weeks of not knowing someone, to genuinely being shook about a twitter unfollow, yeah you have some mental issues.

Let’s be clear: Toys R’ Us was having a hard time in the new marketplace, but it was first and foremost a victim of a massive debt load incurred by the company’s leveraged buyout by the current owners. Yay our system!

No, he got his science wrong and his research bias screams out loud and clear.

Not that I’m arguing, but is that price correct? That seems really cheap for such a big kit.

Let’s just not even mention Blue Shepard in this conversation. While interesting, it’s really nowhere near the same thing.

Technological progress is accelerating. Flying cars were never practical with humans because of the inherent dangers. Automation and self flying / driving cars changes this, and that’s why tests are going to be done on flying taxis in 2018.

We have amazing tools now, like CRISPR to edit our genes. We have really fast

Then there’s always...

It added my AirBnB reservations pulled from emails

While I can appreciate the possibility, I am not willing to go back on a hundred or so years of Western tradition based on the word of Business Insider. I suggest that what a lot of the people who eat banana peels know that Westerners do not is: hunger.

I think the best answer is keeping cars out of the centers of cities.

I would suggest we all stroll into our local FBI offices and start snooping around. After all, they are a publicly financed entity and I don't think it gets much more 'public' than that.

It's part of human history; much of our history has been and is completely lost. This is one of the very few surviving artifacts of the Nazca people. Your supreme ignorance on the importance of the Nazca lines, and archeology in general is baffling.

Not just age - uniqueness too (I'm not aware of anything like it anywhere else in the world). Furthermore, it may actually be sacred ground to some people, so it could possibly be considered akin to desecrating a grave. Not saying 6 years isn't a bit draconian, but it might warrant more than a mere fine.