
The police state killed another Black man and our president is on the side of the police and against any protest.

Here it is on Google Maps

Or the suburbs. Or anywhere that doesn’t have a solid mass transit system.

“to project an image of mindless, needless intimidation”

My bigger fear is that people think “privacy” and go “meh, what do I have to hide?” But then you see things like Brexit and Trump in 2016 and you realize that was all gamed by Cambridge Analytica targeting specific personality types with tons and tons of propagan... er, “ads” and eventually changed their minds.



Looks like a 2014 model -I wonder if this was before that undercarriage shield was added and whether there was some damage to the components. It seems like if it were an intact (non-damaged),from-the-factory” environment, we’d see this happening all over the place.

Glad no one was hurt, will be interesting to see the

Because we don’t read to our kids in their infancy and then when they hit school, the reading is just boring.

So the cameraman just gets down in front of the car and is like “ok, gun it!”


I guess if my car catches fire (which ICEs do just as often as electrics) I’d prefer the longer burn time to get clear than to guess how long I have before the tank of GAS ignites.

Probably the best thing any of us can do. The always-on connections to the global network and all the attention that you get and give to it are prime grounds for either burning your brain out or training your brain into needing a never-ending stream of affirmation.


Another example of the government needing to step in and force living wages for all workers in all industries. There is enough money in the American economy for EVEYONE to live comfortably. If you can’t run a business without screwing your employees, you suck at business.

aka “All that is wrong with modern greed”

Too big to fail = too big to exist. Let them fail or break them up.

May we need to phrase the climate in terms of Hillary’s Emails. Then maybe people would take action!

I know it’s not popular, but having fewer kids can also go a long way in minimizing your effect on the planet.

For anyone that may not have caught this story - it’s another good one (though it’s relating to the SR-71)

Except that he seems to be concerned about the future of the planet.