
The police state killed another Black man and our president is on the side of the police and against any protest.

I think the article is directed at hobbiests.

If anyone is choosing to learn a software as a hobby I wouldn’t recommend starting with a product that traps you into a monthly payment especially as there are many well-developed open source options. Franky, I’d recommend learning dark table over GIMP since more people are probably looking to edit photos rather than

Here it is on Google Maps

Or the suburbs. Or anywhere that doesn’t have a solid mass transit system.

“to project an image of mindless, needless intimidation”

My bigger fear is that people think “privacy” and go “meh, what do I have to hide?” But then you see things like Brexit and Trump in 2016 and you realize that was all gamed by Cambridge Analytica targeting specific personality types with tons and tons of propagan... er, “ads” and eventually changed their minds.



Seems targeting cars and anyone that lives in a suburban detached house would be a WAY bigger target. I’m 42 and have never owned a car and have lived in NYC for the past 17 years. I think I need to up my porn watching!

I’ve got a Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro from 2012 that’s still going strong. Windows 8, down to 7, and up to 10. Still snappy enough to do all the internetting, word processing and spreadsheeting I need to.

Isn’t this how every IPO goes?

Sorry, what’s happening right now in the Trump administration applies to everyone. If you can’t handle it or it makes you uncomfortable, maybe it time to take a deep dive into yourself to understand why you feel that way.

Looks like a 2014 model -I wonder if this was before that undercarriage shield was added and whether there was some damage to the components. It seems like if it were an intact (non-damaged),from-the-factory” environment, we’d see this happening all over the place.

Glad no one was hurt, will be interesting to see the

To say people “mixed alcohol with sex” seems a little ... naive?? I think everyone knows about the increased chance of sex when alcohol is being consumed. This is not the standard scenario:

Because we don’t read to our kids in their infancy and then when they hit school, the reading is just boring.

I think the most shocking thing here is that “nano-trenching” is considered a solution for ... well, anything really. What a horrible concept. And they had to do this on roadways?? I’ve worked at a building restoration firm for 17 years in NYC where we deal with sealants every day and this is just bizarre.

It’s just insane. My wife and I started pushing ourselves toward a “zero-waste” goal (which is nearly impossible), and in the process realized how much waste we were producing. Now, we’re about half a kitchen garbage bag (the 13 gallon ones) per month. And even that is pretty wasteful.

So the cameraman just gets down in front of the car and is like “ok, gun it!”

Is it just me that has no clue how (or why) people invest in social media platforms and expect to make “Teh Big Bucks”?? Like, who is spending money on this? Is it JUST advertisers? Why? Are there that many people really clicking the ads??
