
God punishing the gays? #conservativelogic

Like the alt-right neo-nazis, Damore’s arguments are the tell-tale hallmark of youthful ignorance. He’s trying to rationalize highly complex situations with his own personal (and limited, in both scope and timeframe) accounts. Kind of like watching flat-earthers try to prove their theories using primitive, personal

Musk has been pretty liberal with patents and to a degree, other intellectual property- I’m hoping that he doesn’t sue if only to show that he stands on principle.

Elon Musk is figuring on landing roughly 1 million tons of equipment on Mars before the first human sets foot. Seems like this (or something comparably large shouldn’t be a problem.

If you’ve followed him from the beginning he’s repeatedly demonstrated and stuck by his concerns for the planet and humanity. That’s a rare quality in a CEO so to see him succeeding, it’s pretty exciting. Maybe he won’t JUST blaze the trail for sustainable transport, but maybe also spark the trend of large companies

Just reading about how Florida just passed legislation on allowing parents to challenge public school curriculum if they disagree with it. Basically if you’re a parent and you want creationism taught next to evolution IN A PUBLIC SCHOOL you can make a request in the name of “academic freedom.”

this was the biggest shocker to me - that the iPhone stores everything locally and you can only use iTunes to manage your “files”. I say “files” because it seems that Apple uses a database and blob storage for everything which is infuriating to work with if you only know file systems and don’t want to learn a new UI

Musk has repeatedly said that he most likely won’t go to Mars (that he needs to make sure his companies are strong enough to support themselves without him). That’s probably a no-sir.

you have a phone right?

I don’t know the numbers for refurbishing, but fishing one out of the ocean is useless. I worked in marine towing for a number of years and once you have a wire submerged in salt water, it’s dead forever. I can’t imagine an entire submerged rocket ever coming close to being used for anything more than a boat anchor.

For anyone that maybe didn’t catch it, here’s a great post on this stuff:

compare the past 5 years to the previous 10 and those previous 10 to the previous 20, 50 etc. We’re to the point now of moving so fast that people get REALLY bent out of shape if their phone isn’t updated weekly.

That’s like telling Nabisco to make Oreos taste a little grosser to stop the obesity epidemic. The problem is a human behavioral problem, treating it as a tech problem is probably not going to work. Of course, I would hope that the manufacturers would think it a good idea to develop something anyway, but legislating

is that like “almost there...”?

my biggest concern is that going to Mars will be the greatest single act in advancing the “haves vs. have-nots” ever seen. i realize this sounds close to the argument “we should take care of poverty before doing pie-in-the-sky things” which i absolutely disagree with, but i haven’t figured out how to reconcile the

at what point do you question authority? so someone made a law in the US 60 years ago that applies to ... the universe? lolwut. there comes a time for civil disobedience in the face of irrational bureaucracy.

“multi-planetary” means um, multiple planets, not “single planet”. No one has said anything about abandoning earth. Not sure where you got that.

it added my Airbnb no problem...

and yet people dismiss Elon Musk trying to get a Mars colony going as “insane”.