the toilet paper should ALWAYS come over the top
the toilet paper should ALWAYS come over the top
"Getting the perfect haircut is surprisingly difficult..."
The Most Popular Site To Buy Cheap ***WHATEVER***: Amazon.
if someone owes you money, they know it. this just seems like you're being an ass and would prob do more harm than good.
or take Munroe's approach
electric bikes are massive in nyc, esp with delivery people. but the whole "not a vehicle" thing makes the drivers very unsafe. as a cyclist, i hate them. they move faster than bikes, but no one obeys the traffic laws, so i'm constantly avoiding them coming down the wrong way on a street, or zipping on or off…
electric bikes are massive in nyc, esp with delivery people. but the whole "not a vehicle" thing makes the drivers…
your last paragraph might also mention .NET Framework 4.5.2 (only because it adds 5 hours to the install ;)
and you're using this page?
the article could have been titled "Use the 10min - 10mos - 10yr Rule to Make Better Decisions" and you could have skipped the article!
so pretty much, it's the same as it's been forever.
nyc should be its own state already!
that's a topic of discussion unto itself :)
never take a shot at eye level. it's how everyone else sees the same subject. be aware of your point of view and make the subject your own.
in my experience the bread tears from being softer than the butter (the butter is usually cold and fairly hard). i've never torn bread because of the serrated edge of the knife.
...or NO filter? why wasn't that in the headline?
it's under Home:
"How many beers could i buy with this money?"
i love that this is an article that has literally 0 content.