
must have been a bad U-JOINT, they better put a LID on it

no place for side bolstering for this owner

this must be VW’s fix for tailpipe emissions , looks like their engineers are desperate to try anything

“spoiler alert”

ok, who let those bombers fly over my house?,tell me you know my aim ain’t good

don’t worry honey ,they’re only veterans

in related news

they need to hire Johnny Weir for this event

he ain’t got nothing

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well here’s another take on how prison should be

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well with guards like Percy what do you expect

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the investigation must look at the tower staff

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Barry Weiss drove it first on Storage Wars

well, ex New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey certainly left his clothes at various rest stops so someone saw a good opportunity to make a few bucks

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I had an Escala with a schmear of cream cheese and some lox for breakfast this morning

all done in good humor