
I’m sure the majority of these were bought by the Sultan of Brunai and his brother Prince Jeffery

ok, where’s the pilot that dented my jet?

and Oswald Mosley

I could’nt be anymore MOS-SAD then I am now, such a face- If could only throw a book at it 

you might have crabs on your joystick

I want to order the pu pu platter for 2 and the pork lo mein and hold the msg

I knew I’ve seen this guy before, he appeared on my interossitor screen in the movie “This Island Earth”

you go Donald , last time I said that to her I got a lamp thrown at me

it’s warns him “ your weave is moving backwards, must adjust now”

Pop Pop, Christie Brinkley once gave Billy Joel a blowjob in this car , she did?

not even if you threw wedding night Melania in with the deal

keep drinking that DNC / Clinton kool-aid Alanis [ I know you won’t print this ]

I sentence you to 20 years hard labor in Siberia , Mr. Dataski

introducing PISS OFF urine for a real treat

how about a 25k gym membership because you look like crap for a 40 yo

look honey, we have matching jets

now zoom in on Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist’s office

I ‘ll go for the Barak Obomber

place comment here

Obama, just a minute