but once on shore leave
but once on shore leave
hell , I’ve been played by a robot for my last 5 movies
“Carma’s a bitch and sometimes in Northern Jersey the customer refuses the dealership’s salesperson
when her husband held his wife underwater as punishment and then tried to explain to the cop that she got der benz when coming up for air
Trail of Tear Rated
who needs codes these two just dropped a couple of bombs, now get the babies out of here
Mr. Cirk , I’m Chris Hansen
wait my suicide vest and underwear bombs are in my carry-on
aand this is how you build a great foundation heh heh heh
this is why I moved back to the fatherland , Italian beer sucks!!
I assume they will play this when they launch the ship
who are you calling him a frigget , hey new in town sailor ?
he means you too sourpuss
we have specially trained Hummvee drivers for these operations
say it ain’t so
they’re testing the new Tesla top hat remote keyless entry with not much success