Harry , they’re no Tesla drivers up here
Harry , they’re no Tesla drivers up here
and now for our special brand of royalty
flight to Boston be deflating
does’nt the Caliphate need to replace their bombed out Huumvee’s seems like a no brainer especially with their tracking devices still intact
his name is Osama Bin Cowdung
what, it’s aimed at me?
where’s Larry David when I really need him
watch out for LaRock
and of course you get the Brexit royal discount
where are the Slovinian stewardess’s ?
what would Rachel Maddow drive? or maybe this is the hubby after going all Caitlyn
let us not forget the dark history of the Buick LeSaber when an octagenarian grandpa George Weller plowed his LeSabre into a crowd of people at the Santa Monica farmers market killing 10 and he was’nt convicted of anything
not if the F-35 talks like this
uh oh better get Macco O’ Malley
that there car sure has a purrdee smile
look at this touching moment where a Muslim father teaches his daughter how to operate a bumper car
sorry Sergio, I can’t save your immortal soul for this one
Mateen should have been on the no buy list and what’s with his Marine Corps plates?